The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

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WWE feature: Top 50 WWE Moments of 2012

Another list! They’re just list-makin’ fools over there on!

This time, it’s the Top 50 WWE Moments of 2012 – but these ones aren’t numbered!

AJ Lee forms a love quadrangle with Bryan, Punk and Kane

After Daniel Bryan broke up with his girlfriend, AJ Lee, she underwent many changes. In addition to exhibiting a completely new, erratic attitude, AJ also turned her affections to the submission specialist’s chief rivals, WWE Champion CM Punk and The Big Red Monster, Kane. This soon evolved into a dangerous love triangle that quickly spun out of control — with the increasingly unpredictable Diva playing an intricate part in the WWE Title power struggle.

Every week, the WWE Universe would tune in to see what AJ would do next, whether she was dressing up as Kane, Punk or Bryan, slapping one — or all — of the Superstars, or kissing them before putting them through a table.

Eventually, just weeks after proposing to Punk, AJ accepted Bryan’s second marriage proposal. Before they were to tie the knot, however, AJ informed her fiance she had opted to take on a different Moniker instead of “Mrs. Daniel Bryan” — that of Raw General Manager.

Certainly a top moment for a couple of scorching kisses with Kane! And his assertion that he’s “not boyfriend material”. 😉

WWE Live Tour visits Abu Dhabi and Egypt

Having already visited far away lands like China and Doha, Qatar in previous years, the WWE World Tour made stops in Abu Dhabi and Egypt for the first time ever in 2012.

The visit to Egypt featured three shows from Thursday, Oct. 18, through Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Cairo Stadium Complex. Along the way, Superstars and Divas had the unique opportunity to visit some of Egypt’s historical monuments, including the great pyramids!

The visit to the land of The Egyptian tour came on the heels of a successful WWE Raw World Tour in Abu Dhabi in February. During a press conference atop the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai – the tallest manmade structure in the world – things turned chaotic when Kane attacked John Cena. (FULL STORY)

Oh yeah! Who can forget Kane and Cena in Abu Dhabi? Or more importantly, this pic, shared by of Glenn and Cena working out the mechanics beforehand? -drools-

Team Hell No commences a hellacious WWE Tag Team Championship reign

Along with WWE Champion CM Punk, Kane and Daniel Bryan spent months in a WWE Title struggle, made more intense by their love triangle, centered on the unstable AJ Lee.

When AJ became the General Manager of Raw, she ordered her ex-fiancé Bryan to attend anger management classes. And following a series of episodes — including attacks on WWE announcer Josh Mathews — Kane also ended up in the same class, run by one Dr. Shelby. Together, AJ and the good doctor eventually placed the two volatile Superstars into a tag team as a type of experimental therapy. The result was Team Hell No, a name picked by the WWE Universe as part of RAWactive.

As they teamed-up, Team Hell No continued to argue and constantly upstage each other at every turn, making them one of the most dysfunctional pairings in WWE history. In spite of this calamity, however, it just … somehow … worked — so much so that before long, they overcame R-Truth & Kofi Kingston to capture the WWE Tag Team Champions at the Night of Champions pay-per-view.

But success did not stop them from bickering. The only thing that did was the moments when they could channel their rage on the competition. Nowhere was this stronger than when they teamed with the ultra-intense Ryback against The Shield at WWE Tables, Ladders & Chairs.

While their relationship continued to rest of the shaky edge of dysfunction, no one could deny the dominance of the unlikely duo.

And it’s been bloody brilliant – mostly thanks to Kane and DBryan’s obvious chemistry.

Look who’s the poster boy for The World Heavyweight Championship turns 10!

Raw celebrates 1,000 episodes on July 23, 2012

When your flagship show hits 1,000 episodes, you don’t just let that milestone slip by. You do the thing big. And for the 1,000th episode of Raw, WWE pulled out all the stops to make the night as unforgettable as possible. D-Generation X —all of D-Generation X — reunited and put a beating on Damien Sandow. Mae Young and Mark Henry’s son got all grown up. The Doctor of Style himself, Slick, threw on his frock to officiate the (wildly unsuccessful) wedding of Daniel Bryan and AJ Lee. Lita and a cadre of legends put a hurtin’ on a beleaguered Heath Slater. The Rock laid down a challenge for the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble and was promptly put to bed by CM Punk’s Go to Sleep. And The Brothers of Destruction set aside their differences to lay waste to a pack of challengers. It truly had everything in it, and in it, everything.

And who better to be the poster boys for Raw 1000 than the current longest tenured active Superstar in Kane, and the longest tenured Superstar on the roster (though only working a light program) in the Undertaker?

Man, what a night!

The End of an Era: The Undertaker defeats Triple H inside Hell in a Cell at WrestleMania XXVIII

At WrestleMania, Triple H battled The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell, a match which would be appropriately referred to as the “End of an Era.”

In an encounter last year between two WWE Legends, The King of Kings fell to The Phenom, but the showdown was so brutal The Demon of Death Valley could not exit the ring under his own power.

So it was destiny that they would meet one more time to see — once and for all — who was the greater legendary force. And as if the circumstances weren’t extraordinary enough, Shawn Michaels, the very Superstar who The Deadman retired on The Grandest Stage of Them All, would serve as the Special Guest Referee.

The epic contest that followed was absolutely incredible, with both Triple H and The Undertaker leaving everything they had in the squared circle. And while The Phenom did ultimately reign supreme, in the end, it was Triple H, Michaels and The Undertaker walking out together.

Totally amazing match. But man, does this make me miss the ‘Taker even more!

This one made the #1 spot, even if they weren’t actually numbering them. But why title it The End of an Era? Why not, Undertaker’s WrestleMania Streak goes to 20-0?

I suspect I know why . . . yeah, fuck dat.

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31 December 2012: RAW digitals – Kane


WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. 3MB

What better way for Team Hell No to ring in the New Year with a little bit of rock ‘n’ roll? The bickering buddies wanted to defend their titles against The Shield for Champion’s Choice night, but with the black-clad squad otherwise engaged, Kane & Daniel Bryan instead selected 3MB as their opponents. And the rockers certainly showed up for the occasion despite being unprepared for a title match. 3MB used the numbers game to their advantage by tossing Bryan outside the ring and letting Jinder Mahal (the only bandmate who was not competing) to get in a few cheap shots on the submission technician. Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre attempted to capitalize by separating Bryan from Kane, but the strategy fell short when the “No!” man tagged in his hulking other half. Once summoned, Kane proceeded to clean house and closed the book on the band in short order. The Big Red Monster mercilessly pounded McIntyre with a Chokeslam before tagging Bryan in to provide the final shot with a flying headbutt, bringing the bout to a close. And, in a demonstration befitting the contest itself, Team Hell No celebrated the win with some apropos air guitar on the titles.

Say what now? Air guitar? Oh lord, someone needs to take the crack pipe away from Creative again!

Kane 31 December 2012 – Team Hell No vs. 3MB: WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Photos

Oh yeah, gimme some of that shoulderporn under red lighting – that’s the good stuff!


Whoa baby! Kicking ass and taking names – me likes!!

Tagging out so DBryan can pick up the win!

Your winners, and still Tag Team Champions – yay!!

DBryan started it! The air guitar thing, I mean.

Frankly, I still think 3MB look more like escapees from a gay porn movie than rockstars.

But if Kane wants to start dressing in leather pants and going shirtless again . . . I don’t think I’d complain! 😉

And that’s it for the digitals – talk about phoning in a performance,!

(Oh sweet zombie Jesus, if this isn’t gay porn, what the hell is? Come see the homoeroticism inherent in the sport! -facepalm-) has video here.

And it starts off so well, with Kane growling that, “This sucks!” I love a man who growls!

-mad snickering- Then, as he and DBryan discuss who they’re gonna fight, since The Shield’s dance card for the evening appears to be full, there’s this noise coming from the other half of the locker room. And when DBryan pulls back the room divider, at around 30 seconds in, swear to God, 3MB do look like they’re rehearsing for that gay porn shoot they’ve escaped from!!

At around the 1:00 mark, they cut to the chase with the match, with Kane tossing Heath Slater out of the ring!

And yes, DBryan starts the air guitar thing, but apparently Kane isn’t going along with that part!

Happy New Year!!

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Power 25 – Overall rankings for 2012

Well this is a new one!  The Academy of Wrestling Arts & Sciences have issued a listing of overall rankings for 2012!

In the rankings, Team Rhodes Scholars came in at #23 . . . but look who featured in their picture! 😉

Triple H comes in at #15 . . . largely thanks to someone else, who features in the picture! 😉

The blurb says, “On the surface, it may seem strange that a Superstar with an 0-2 record in the ring this year cracks the top 15. But think about the two matches that Triple H subjected himself to: The Game faced the legendary Deadman at WrestleMania in Hell in a Cell and he went toe-to-toe with a ferocious Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. As longtime friend HBK said on Twitter before the bell rang on Triple H-Lesnar, “This match is gonna be about more than winning or losing, but about surviving.” And despite his loss, The Game is most definitely a survivor.”


#13 The Undertaker

Few Superstars can compete in just one match all year and still end up on the Power Rankings. But The Undertaker is in a class all his own, his Hell in a Cell victory over Triple H at WrestleMania will go down as one of the greatest matches of all time. Extending The Streak to an unfathomable 20-0, The Phenom further cemented his place in history. Throw in an unforgettable appearance at Raw 1,000, and it’s only fitting The Deadman clocks in at No. 13.

Big Show comes in at #5, but look who features in the picture with him!

#4 Team Hell No

What began as an inauspicious partnership has blossomed into one of the most dynamic tag teams of all time. In singles competition, both Kane and Daniel Bryan have racked up impressive years (Bryan held the World Title in the early part of 2012), but together, the goat-faced Superstar and The Big Red Monster have embarked on a classic reign as Tag Team Champions. Despite their constant (and often hilarious) bickering, Team Hell No continues to win, and so have secured their No. 4 spot on the rankings.

And there you have it folks – Kane, along with Daniel Bryan, ranks #4 for 2012. Beaten only by John Cena, Sheamus and CM Punk.

Well done, Kane – very well bloody done!!

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28 December 2012: SmackDown digitals – Kane


Santino Marella selected at random to face Big Show in a World Heavyweight Title Match

ROCHESTER, N.Y.— Big Show overcame Sheamus in a fierce Chairs Match at WWE TLC, but on the Christmas Eve episode of Raw, Sheamus beat Big Show in the first-ever Lumber-Jack Frost Match, leaving a question as to whether the Irish Superstar had earned another opportunity at the gigantic titleholder.

Sheamus opened SmackDown in the wake of his victory, still savoring the joyful spirit of the holiday season and the festive beating he gave The World’s Largest Athlete four days earlier. Sharing his New Year’s resolution that he would win back the World Title, The Celtic Warrior proposed they have their championship match right there in Rochester! The emerging Big Show made light of Sheamus’ win, refusing the challenge by giving his opinion that the Irish Superstar would always come up short when it counted.

SmackDown General Manager Booker T interrupted. And following The World’s Largest Athlete’s bold statement that no Superstar in the locker room was worthy of facing him for the Word Title, the head of the blue brand declared that every one of their names would be entered into a lottery to determine Big Show’s opponent in a World Heavyweight Title Match on SmackDown!

In the midst of a power struggle between Theodore Long and Eve to see who would draw the name of Big Show’s No. 1 contender, the lottery tumbler suddenly toppled onto the floor. A frustrated Booker took control of the situation and picked Santino Marella as the Superstar who would face the giant challenge.

Kane 28 December 2012 – Santino Marella picked at random to challenge Big Show for the World Heavyweight Title: Photos

“(Booker T) sets up a lottery in which every Superstar is eligible to face Big Show in a World Heavyweight Title Match on SmackDown!”

Ooh! Wouldn’t Kane getting the World Heavyweight Championship again have been a nice belated Christmas present? (-snickering- I love how they’re now calling it the World Heavyweight Championship again now Big Show’s holding it? Some small guy gets it again and it’ll go back just to being the World Championship, mark my words!)

“Theodore Long and Eve argue over who will pick the name, eventually causing the tumbler to go flying.”

-yawn- Bored with this stupid Eve versus Teddy storyline already. But it’s gonna drag on for fucken-ever before she gets her comeuppance because that’s how the writers think. I reckon they’ve got a bit of a submissive fetish for mean girls, personally – they get off imagining Eve being mean to them, the perverts! 😉

Seriously, Eve needs to just . . . get off my screen. Sick of her.

And then Booker just randomly names Santino. Okay. Whatevs.

😉 has video here.


Wade Barrett & Team Rhodes Scholars def. Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston & WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No

At the height of a very personal Six-Man Tag Team clash, Wade Barrett took advantage of a complete breakdown of order to hit Kofi Kingston with the Bull Hammer elbow and score a major pinfall on the reigning Intercontinental Champion.

Will his triumph make him the No. 1 contender to the Intercontinental Title?

Wow. Great story, guys on Talk about phoning in a performance! This was taped two weeks ago and this is the best you could come up with before you all fled on your vacation days? -facepalm-

Kane 28 December 2012 – Kofi Kingston & Team Hell No vs. Wade Barrett & Team Rhodes Scholars: Photos

Haven’t we already seen this match?

If I say that Team Rhodes Scholars need to stop double-teaming Kane, it’s gonna come out all kinds of wrong!

How about, the two of them need to quit hammering Kane? No, that’s no better!

Right. Team Rhodes Scholars need to fuck off out of it and leave Kane alone! Perfect! 😉

But that’s it for digitals. No, seriously. Underwhelming, right? has video here, but given the dearth of digitals, I can’t even be sure Kane’s even in it.

Again, from

World Heavyweight Champion Big Show def. Alberto Del Rio by Disqualification in a World Heavyweight Title Match

Prior to the SmackDown main event, a completely irritated Big Show complained about having to defend his title under such ridiculous circumstances. That didn’t stop The World’s Largest Athlete from bringing the excruciating fight to his impromptu No. 1 contender after the opening bell in a rare World Heavyweight Title Match on the blue brand.

When Del Rio gained the momentum and looked to be loosening up the giant for the Cross Armbreaker, though, Big Show decided to take a walk. As he walked up the ramp, Sheamus emerged to attack the retreating champion. While he was able to knock down The Celtic Warrior and pick up the win by disqualification, Show’s escape was still blocked by the sudden materialization of a slew of Superstars — the very group he had made light of earlier as a bunch of “losers” and “rejects.”

The massive opposition launched Big Show back into the ring. And after Del Rio stunned Big Show with a kick, Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on the World Heavyweight Champion, cutting the towering grappler down to the size.

Kane 28 December 2012 – Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show: Photos

“When Big Show decides to bail, Sheamus and a slew of WWE Superstars block his path.”

Attaboy, Kane, get in his face! 😉

“They attack Big Show . . . ”

That’s not an attack! 😉

” . . . sending the giant back into the ring.”


“After Del Rio blasted him with a kick . . . ”

Another guy with a beautiful enzuiguri!

Amused by Kane head and shoulders above everyone at ringside!

” . . . Sheamus finished the World Heavyweight Champion with the Brogue Kick.”

Kane looks almost disappointed there! has video here – enjoy!

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24 December 2012: RAW digitals – Kane


WWE Tag Team Champion Kane def. Cody Rhodes

Still feeling the lingering effects of a devastating Chokeslam by WWE Tag Team Champion Kane in tag action on WWE Main Event, Cody Rhodes did battle one-on-one with the champion. Despite his best efforts — including exposing a turnbuckle in hopes of using it to his advantage — the third-generation Superstar once again fell victim to a monstrous Chokeslam from The Big Red Monster.

Kane 24 December 2012 – Kane vs. Cody Rhodes: Photos

No entrance picture of Kane with the enormous pile of wrapped gifts in the background – guess he wouldn’t like that, since he wants to beat up Santa Claus! 😉

Instead, we’re straight into the action with a vicious uppercut – yes!

Oi! Cody! Lay off the knee! Don’t make me hurt you and that godawful moustache!

Godawful moustache or no, I have to admit, Cody does have one helluva enzuiguri. Not so found of seeing it delivered on Kane, mind!

Now, this photo is meant to remind us that the dastardly Cody has stripped the turnbuckle cover, featured front and centre here, and that bad things may await our hero Kane!

Me personally? Far too distracted by the out of focus shoulderporn going on in the background! Plus, Kane’s ass is the best Christmas present ever!! 😉

Oh now dat’s some luscious shoulderporn! But I’ll bet that hurt!

Seriously, the look on Cody’s face, makes me wonder if he twirled the imaginary end of that awful moustache and did the evil villainous laugh as he pulled this move . . . cos we wouldn’t want the 85% dumber than a bag of hammers in the audience to miss that Cody is now a dastardly heel! -facepalm-

Kane sends the villain . . . errr, Cody . . . flying!

Oh, and we don’t have to worry about that exposed turnbuckle no more – the heroic referee Mike Chioda spotted the problem and fixed it! Go Mike!

(I haven’t actually seen RAW yet, so if that’s incorrect, blame Steph’s idiots over on, because that’s the story these digitals are telling me!)

Big old chokeslam for Cody!

Sweet zombie Jesus! Talk about your Christmas presents!! How’s this for showcasing Kane’s strength? He’s deadlifting Cody there – Cody’s hand may be on Kane’s shoulder, but it’s not supporting any of his weight.

HolyMaryMotherOfGod, that’s hot!!!! And check out the shoulderporn!! Not to mention that lean muscular damn torso . . .

. . .


Moving on!

Welp, Steph’s guys got the digitals out of order again, cos here’s the set up to that chokeslam.

Am I gonna complain?

When there’s this perfectly lovely shoulderporn being offered? Not to mention that gorgeous ass?

Hell no!

And it’s a win for Kane! And no sign of The Shield, or any of the other bullshit fuckery that’s plagued us of late.

Merry Christmas! has video here – enjoy!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Please read the terms of the licence before copying or sharing any part of this entry.

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19 December 2012: Main Event digitals – Kane


WWE Main Event results: ‘Hell Yes’ for tag team action BY Kevin Powers

Philadelphia — The City of Brotherly Love hosted an action-packed episode of WWE Main Event featuring Team Hell No defending the WWE Tag Team Titles against Team Rhodes Scholars in a rematch from last month. Also, The Prime Time Players continued their quest for tag team dominance and faced Zack Ryder & Santino Marella.

WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. Team Rhodes Scholars

Last month on WWE Main Event, Team Rhodes Scholars battled Team Hell No in a fast-paced battle that saw Cody Rhodes suffer a concussion and shoulder injury. Following a full recovery and sporting a new ’stache, Rhodes rejoined his tag team partner Damien Sandow and sought revenge by once again challenging Team Hell No for the WWE Tag Team Championships on WWE Main Event. Despite the injury and absence from active competition, the rivalry between Team Hell No and Team Rhodes Scholars has continued to brew — Sandow and Rhodes believing they are indeed much more civilized than the combustible WWE Tag Team Champions.

Nevertheless, the only way to prove which team is supreme is inside the squared circle and the WWE Universe in Philly was treated to the high stakes rematch between the duos. As the match got underway, it was abundantly clear there was more than just animosity between the respective teams competing on ION Television. Rhodes was set to start the match against Daniel Bryan, but the son of WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes demanded Kane be tagged in to begin the contest.

Kane and Rhodes exchanged blows, but The Big Red Monster maintained the edge over his opponent — revenge no doubt clouding Rhodes’ strategy — ultimately forcing him to tag in Sandow. Team Hell No maintained clear momentum over the challengers, however, and the WWE Universe’s support was strong for the champions, chanting “Yes!” whenever Bryan would scream “No!”

Teamwork was the key to Team Hell No’s domination throughout much of the contest. Though Sandow took the brunt of the punishment, he managed to tag in Rhodes but Kane maintained the advantage. With their outlook grim for capturing the Tag Team Titles, Team Rhodes Scholars adjusted their strategy. Rhodes feigned an injury, allowing Sandow to distract The Big Red Monster as Rhodes threw him into the steel steps.

The nefarious tactics proved to be effective as Sandow and Rhodes displayed teamwork of their own, keeping Kane reeling and — more importantly — away from tagging in Bryan. Avoiding an all-out slugfest with The Big Red Monster, Team Rhodes Scholars made sure to tag in and out frequently, not allowing Kane to adjust his bearings with respect to who he faced inside the ring. But the experience and the resilience of the former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion enabled him to make the tag, resulting in Bryan regaining momentum for the champions.

Momentum shifted back and forth, both duos continued to display teamwork in an effort to prove why the championships belong on their waists. Though Team Rhodes Scholars nearly accomplished their goal, Team Hell No continued to fight. As Rhodes and Kane battled once again in the center of the ring, the second-generation Superstar missed a moonsault, giving his rival an opening to deliver a devastating Chokeslam. The maneuver was followed by Bryan’s flying headbutt, allowing Team Hell No to pick up the victory and retain the WWE Tag Team Championships.

Whoa!  Huge Kane week this week!

Kane 19 December 2012 – WWE Main Event Photos

Kane sends Cody Rhodes flying . . . bet breaths were held backstage that Cody took this fall correctly! 😉

Mmmm, Kane on his back – and bonus shoulderporn!

More of this cool double-team moves stuff – yep, the end is nigh. Because I wouldn’t trust Creative to sit the right way on a toilet.

“Get me down and kick me, huh, Sandow? How’s a dropkick to the face grab ya?”

Go get ‘im, Kane!

Oops, spoke too soon – seriously Sandow? You want to trade bombs with this guy? Intellectual saviour of the masses, my ass! 😉

Getting the feeling there’s gonna be nobody home when Cody and his cheesy gay porn moustache land that move! -snickering-

Yeah, that’d be right – it takes two of them to suplex Kane!

DBryan flies for the diving headbutt, while Kane, like a good boy, steps out through the ropes.

Won the match, and didn’t need anyone else to “help” – so there! :-p

(Oh holy gods, this vid grab proves something I’ve suspected for a bit now – Kane’s not shaving under his arms any more. This is weirdly hot. I like my men natural – the obsession with shaving/removing all body hair is just unfathomable to me.) has video here – enjoy!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Please read the terms of the licence before copying or sharing any part of this entry.

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18 December 2012: SmackDown digitals – Kane


Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston & WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. Wade Barrett and The Prime Time Players

Rebounding from a vicious post-match assault at the hands of Wade Barrett on Raw, Kofi Kingston teamed with Team Hell No to take on The Barrett Barrage & The Prime Time Players. But before heading into action, the determined “Wildcat” joined Kane and a very upset Daniel Bryan in discussing The Shield, The Slammys and WWE Hall of Famer “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair.

The match that followed was heated from the start, with emotions running extremely high after the fevered events of WWE TLC and Raw. Once all order broke down, Titus O’Neil & Darren Young tried to use a numbers advantage against The Big Red Monster. As the swaggering duo prepared to spring on Kane, Bryan tripped O’Neil, leaving Young alone with the masked monster. Moments later, Kane secured victory for his team by hitting a towering Chokeslam for the three-count.

Kane 18 December 2012 – Kofi Kingston & Team Hell No vs. Wade Barrett & The Prime Time Players: Photos

Wow, looking serious there!

Nice double-team move there, combining a submission leg hold and that wicked drop kick of Kane’s. Now that they’re getting these kinds of moves happening, you know Creative’s going to split them up, right?

Knocks Wade Barrett almost out of his boots, and we get some lovely shoulderporn – excellent!

So now the not-black-John-Cena dude from Prime Time Players, hits Kane from behind. Can someone tell me why he’s prone to doing those weird “Ooog, oog, oog” noises? I mean, if it were “Oook, ook, ook” I’d know he was the librarian from the Unseen University, but that seems . . . implausible.

-snickering- I’d say this is a great shot of Kane getting his leg over, but that’s got a whole ‘nother meaning down under, and certainly not what I want to convey! How about, Kane going for the pinfall? That’s better!

And yay, lookit that! Another win! And they didn’t need Ryback to do it . . . they just needed Kofi.

What is it with these six man tag matches lately? Giving the guys a lighter program going into Christmas, maybe? I understand they pre-taped both Raw and SmackDown for next week already, so maybe it was about conserving the guys to get through four TV tapings in a week. has video of the match here – enjoy!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Please read the terms of the licence before copying or sharing any part of this entry.

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19 December 2012: Tribute to the Troops digitals – Kane


WWE Tribute to the Troops results: An evening worthy of ‘Tribute’
Team Hell No & R-Truth def. 3MB

The WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No teamed up with R-Truth to face 3MB at the 10th anniversary of WWE Tribute to the Troops. The deck looked stacked against the champions and Truth as they were joining forces for the first time against a trio that has shown over the past few weeks that they are in sync. Looking for any reason to party — a victory in front of America’s bravest men and women would give 3MB a huge boost. Nonetheless, the combined efforts and experience of Team Hell No & R-Truth proved to be too much for the air guitar-playing trio and they left Norfolk a bit out of tune.

Kane Tribute to the Troops 2012 – Team Hell No & R. Truth vs. 3MB: Photos

“Tag Team Champions Team Hell No join forces with R-Truth to take on 3MB in tag team action.”

No mention of Kane’s mis-step just before this on their entrance – betting it wasn’t shown, either.

Kane looks worried there. As well he should be, with his tag team partner so close to three guys who look like they escaped from the nearby set of a gay porn film featuring the leather scene. -facepalm-

Don’t know how badly Kane tweaked his knee (we didn’t get Tribute to the Troops down under this year), but hey, can’t have been too bad if he could hit the diving clothesline!

Seriously, what were they thinking with this ridiculous 3MB thing? And is the costuming the result of a very badly lost bet?

See? Even Kane seems to be offended by it! Or maybe he’s just not a fan of music . . . 😉

It’s chokeslamming time!

And today we’re having a special – it’s two for the price of one!

Bye-bye, Heath – thanks for playing!

“Team Hell No & R-Truth are victorious.”

Kane still seems a little boggled by the invasion of the gay porn boys.

😉 has video here, picking up the match at the diving clothesline. And yanno, I do think Kane might have landed a wee bit gingerly at that.

But huh? R-Truth picked up the pin? Whyfor does imply with the out-of-sequence digitals that Kane won the match?

Oh well! At least Truth encouraged Kane to set off his pyros after the match!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Please read the terms of the licence before copying or sharing any part of this entry.

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17 December 2012: RAW digitals – Kane


The Shield brawled with Ryback, WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No and Ric Flair

Justice, it appears, knows no boundaries, as The Shield showed no mercy in their beatdown of an outmatched Ric Flair moments after his return to WWE. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns had just begun to decimate the two-time WWE Hall of Famer when hellfire erupted and WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No thundered to “The Nature Boy’s” aid. Not even the demented duo of Kane & Daniel Bryan could save “Naitch” from the renegade trio, who prepared to unleash the triple powerbomb on Flair and send him through the announce table …

Until, that is, feeding time started.

Showing no ill effects of The Shield’s handiwork the previous night at WWE TLC, Ryback stormed to the ring and laid waste to Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns one by one. His presence seemingly galvanized the Tag Team Champions, and the trio quickly beat The Shield back into the crowd before hoisting Flair into the lights for a well-earned welcome back moment. We missed you, Ric.

Oh fuck me . . . Flair? And the old bastard was getting his gear off in the ring – for pity’s sake, did they not add that as a contract stipulation? Must stay full clothed at all times and NO BLEEDING. -shakes head-

Kane 17 December 2012 – Ric Flair challenges CM Punk: Photos

“WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No emerge for retribution.”

Yes indeedy!

Hmpf. We’re back to The Shield (look, seriously, change that bloody name – it’s stupid) being way tougher than Kane.

“Team Hell No and Ryback celebrate with Flair.”

Hmpf. And Team Hell No needs Ryback around if they ever want to beat The Shield. And to do the heavy lifting.


There is video of this travesty here on What part of “retired” did Flair have trouble understanding?

Again, from

Santino Marella and Tensai presented LOL Moment of the Year to The Rock

The laughs just kept on coming during the presentation for LOL Moment of the Year, which honored the funniest moments of the year that was. Things started off promisingly with presenters Santino Marella and Tensai, who was still disoriented from his loss to Kofi Kingston and took an impromptu tumble on the stage en route to the podium (the Slammys: They make you humble). After a brief linguistics lesson (Tensai is Japanese for “Fat Albert,” apparently), the odd couple presented the Slammy to The Rock for his disposal of John Cena’s merchandise in the Boston Harbor earlier this year. And while The Great One could not accept his Slammy in person, there was one man who was around to comment on the WWE Universe’s selection: Daniel Bryan, who stormed onto the stage and screamed the Slammy should have been his, as Team Hell No were nominated for their anger management sessions. But as the submission technician inched precariously closer to a total meltdown, Kane came to the rescue, carrying Bryan literally kicking and screaming off the stage.

Silly, but also rather funny!

“No! No! No! This should be MY Slammy!” the WWE Tag Team Champion says.

Damnit, Kane and DBryan are just having way too much fun with this!

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17 December 2012: RAW mention – Undertaker

Jim Ross, “Mean” Gene Okerlund and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat awarded Match of the Year to Triple H and The Undertaker

It’s tough to imagine anything announcing the most prestigious Slammy of the night other than the dulcet tones of “Mean” Gene Okerlund. The WWE Universe got two extra bangs for its buck, though, when Jim Ross and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat took to the stage in an effort to present the Match of the Year Slammy. And what else could it have been besides the epic confrontation between The Undertaker and Triple H at WrestleMania XXVIII — the “End of an Era” Match that took The Phenom to 20-0 on The Grandest Stage of Them All. The King of Kings accepted the award on behalf of both men, thanking the WWE Universe and issuing a jaw-dropping promise: “You have not seen the last of The Undertaker.”

If you haven’t seen that match yet, this video of the presentation of the award contains some highlights. (Worth it for hearing JBL on commentary say that, “somewhere watching this at home is a Deadman with a huge smile on his face”!)

Of course, it was Triple H who accepted the Slammy. But he did say we haven’t heard the last of the Undertaker. Jim Ross has been saying that for years – that if ‘Taker was hanging it up, the WWE would hardly let that pass without some kind of tribute or announcement.

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