The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

11 November 2013: RAW digitals – Kane

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Kane, Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero argued over control of Raw

MANCHESTER, United Kingdom – Anarchy in the U.K. may be an exaggeration, but with Triple H & Stephanie McMahon on vacation, Raw’s foray across the pond ended with bickering between a trio of authority figures, with the WWE Champion left to deal with the fallout. WWE Champion Randy Orton, Raw General Manager Brad Maddox and newly-christened WWE Director of Operations Kane each claimed stewardship of the show, giving input as to which WWE Tag Team Champion Orton should face in the night’s opening contest, with the put-upon GM favoring Cody Rhodes, while Kane clamored for Goldust. With frustrations mounting, it was SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero who made the proverbial lemonade, though the results left an appropriately sour expression on the “Face of WWE”: Orton would face not one Rhodes brother, but both in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match.

And seriously, this is going to be a bastard of an entry to put together, because I’m gonna end up trawling through every damn gallery to get the shots of Kane.

Who is looking absolutely fucking fine in that suit! 😉

Anywho, apparently the photos from the opening segment are hidden here:

Kane 11 November 2013 – Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Randy Orton – 2-on-1 Handicap Match: Photos

“Orton says he is going to retain the WWE Title at Survivor Series and remain the “Face of WWE”.”

“He also says he’s in charge of Raw.”


“Brad Maddox tries to announce the night’s first match since The Authority is on vacation.”

Now that’s more like it! How’s that for an awesomely well-tailored suit, Pats? -drools quietly-

“Director of Operations Kane puts a stop to Orton and Maddox.”

And may I put in a request? Can we get a rear view of Kane climbing through the ropes in that suit? Cos that’s be fuckin’ AWESOME!! 😉

Kinda miss Kane in tights, but the audio porn does make up for it!

“Then SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero says she’s going to do what’s best for business.”

Oh, so she’s going to give us three uninterrupted hours of Kane and Undertaker? Excellent! 😉

You know, the internet’s been losing its shit forever over whether old masked Kane is better than new masked Kane, or whether unmasked Kane is better than new masked Kane … seriously, that shit will make you nuts (although it amuses the hell out of me most of the time!).

But I gotta say, Kane unmasked lets us see his facial expressions so much better! This one’s particularly priceless! -snickering-

Also? Damn that man’s got fine legs!

Seriously, the entire Raw is such a steaming pile of badly written horseshit programming, I’m giving up on trawling through the entire thing. Instead, I’m falling back on my Facebook hookup for all things Kane, SevenFootMonster22, who provided these screencaps:

Whiny Randy always amuses me! And Kane wasn’t having any of it!

Oh jeez, those hands kill me! The posture says he’s calm, cool and collected … but we all know he’s a heartbeat away from tearing Maddox’s head off! Which would be a public service, trust me!

Again, vastly amused by Kane’s facial expressions! Complete with head tilt!

And then there’s this one, nabbed from someone on Facebook – yummy!

And holy shit, WWE’s even joined Instagram, like all of the rest of us wanna-be hipster doofus types! Kane with generic filter! 😉

Then of course, we get Kane’s Raw tweet:

And has a poll up:

Which Kane is winning by a country mile, naturally! (And no, I only voted once!)

But the true gem of the night is this exclusive, where Vickie Guerrero claims that she should run tonight’s Raw and Kane is a man of few words.

Few words, but excellent legs, and damn it, I still want to ruffle his hair while it’s growing in! 😉

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