The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

Digitals (or lack thereof) – Kane

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Boy howdy, is this place starting to feel a bit neglected or what?

Apologies for that. Reasons are two-fold: first, there was the insanity that is Christmas. I say insanity because I have an obsession with Christmas baking that is bordering on lunacy. Seriously. I think I need to join a support group or something, because every year I keep finding new recipes, and all of a sudden my kitchen pantry explodes with ingredients and I find myself spending four days a week making all kinds of goodies for my office, my hubby’s office and then, in the final stages, to give as Christmas gifts.

So in a sense, it was something of a relief that Kane wasn’t much on TV in that time. Because I couldn’t have found time to write up an entry if he had!

Then, of course, there was the fact that Kane wasn’t bloody on TV! It was getting depressing, fast forwarding through three hours of Raw, or as we call it around these parts, “the bloody Triple H show”, trying to find the two minutes of TV that was Kane in a lame backstage segment with Brad Maddox, the WWE rip-off of TNA’s Garrett Bischoff character.

Big ups to Pats who could be relied upon to tell me that Kane was in the first hour, so I could find him, watch, and delete the recording. Then read the SmackDown spoilers, find out he wasn’t appearing and delete it without watching.

There was a tiny bright spot early in the new year, with Kane appearing on NXT. Wearing his glasses … which make me drool like a puppy, because goddamn, work those glasses, geek-boy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

But since NXT is like the orphan bastard child of the already red-headed stepchild show (SmackDown), there’s no digitals – hell, you poor bastards in the States have to watch NXT on YouTube or Hulu, because it doesn’t even warrant a spot on TV. We get it on TV, and I have to say, geek-boy Corporate Kane in a grey suit and glasses was fuckin’ fine on my big screen TV!

Anyway, we finally get into the new year, I’m done with baking like some crack-crazed madwoman and … still bugger all in the way of Kane on TV. Hell, even though he’s tagged on for the Old School Raw ep that kicked off the year, he doesn’t even get a mention in the recap. So yeah, another blink and you’ll miss it backstage bit. (You’ll have to forgive me if I miss any important appearances, I’m going from memory here and it ain’t what it used to be! ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Until Punk decided to call out The Authority on SmackDown and got Kane.

(See related entry: SmackDown digitals – Kane 17 January 2014)

Now that got my attention. As it did Kane’s, because this tweet followed a couple of days later:

Then on RAW – this would be the go-home RAW before the Royal Rumble – Kane was forced to apologise to Punk.

Which went about as well as one would expect!

(See related entry: Raw digitals – Kane 20 January 2014)

And provoked another tweet:

On SmackDown, there was another confrontation-that-wasn’t-a-confrontation, and I began to hope this was leading to something bigger. All out feud, continual battle, it was looking all good for Kane to have something more to do than just hang around in the background of the Triple H and Stephanie show in the ring.

(See related entry: SmackDown digitals – Kane 24 January 2014)

Finally it was time for the Royal Rumble.

And that’s going to open up a whole new post from me about that state of the WWE and what it means for the Big Red Corporate Sex God. So perhaps I’ll let that wait til tomorrow.

But hey, I am catching, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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