The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

18 March 2013: RAW digitals – Kane

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WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. Primo & Epico

Dr. Shelby would be proud of Kane and Daniel Bryan, whose rocky start to 2013 has led to their most productive streak ever as a tag team. The WWE Tag Team Champions have decimated nearly every tandem to cross their path in the last couple of weeks. They added Primo & Epico to the list of their vanquished foes, but AJ Lee wasn’t about to make it such an easy 1-2-3 for her former paramours.

Looking to weaken Team Hell No’s psyche following their respective singles losses to Dolph Ziggler, AJ skipped circles around the ring during the bout in an attempt to worm her way into Hell No’s heads. The scheme didn’t quite work, though, as Kane (who could barely contain his rage following CM Punk’s mockery of Paul Bearer) obliterated Epico with a Chokeslam to earn the win. But AJ didn’t seem like she cared in the least when the champs made a move to confront her on the apron after the bout, skipping away without a care in the world.

(And while I’m at least glad Kane’s got a WrestleMania match . . . it’s still not taking the bad taste out of my mouth. You’d think if they’re playing up that big “disrespect” angle with Punk, Kane could at least be a more active participant in the feud between him and ‘Taker.

Hell, they actually referred to Kane and ‘Taker being brothers last week, after ignoring it pretty much completely for the last five or six years – except during their legendary feud in 2010, and on the 1000th RAW episode. Except in true WWE fashion, they fucked it up – the idiot on commentary said they were “step-brothers”. Jerry in particular ought to know the history better than that, as should Cole. But whoever was “producing” them through their headsets got it very fucking wrong.


Oh, and as for the poll that was apparently on asking whether Team Hell No should have a Diva as a manager because Dolph and Big E have AJ? Can I stamp a big old “Get the fuck out of my face with that shit!” all over that? Because just . . . no. Just because Creative can’t get any kind of an idea for Diva involvement in ‘Mania happening because their one collective working brain cell is on strike, does not mean Team Hell No needs to be saddled with one of those useless skanks.)

Kane 18 March 2013 – Team Hell No vs. Primo & Epico: Photos

Jeez, even Kane looks down in the mouth – whether because of this shitty match, or he’s sickened by the whole Punk with the urn thing is probably an even money bet.

But he still looks damn fine.

And still brings the shoulderporn. I am grateful for small mercies at this point!

Double shoulderporn – nice!

Shoulderporn and dat ass . . .

You know, the only bright point in this is AJ. Skipping – oh no, Kane’s kryptonite!

(Hell, AJ amuses me constantly – these two tweets from last week during SmackDown just . . .

Watching Smackdown. Halle Berry, I’m gonna need you to back up off Kane. #oncemypropertyalwaysmyproperty

Last time we were in Fort Wayne, Kane broke up with me. So it was only fair that this time we broke him. Oh btw I want my cd’s back, Kane.)

Kane appears to have become immune to kryptonite . . . I don’t think that was in AJ’s game plan!

Measly crop of digitals . . . cos that’s it. has video here.

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