The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

WWE feature: Greatest Tag Teams in WWE History

Leave a comment is trotting out all its 2012 lists again as, I dunno, proof positive they’re amazing at running a website.

Which they’re not.

But anyway, it does give us some much-needed Brothers of Destruction history!

Top 50 Tag Teams in WWE History

Again, some great wrestling history in this list, including a look at how often great tag teams were split up deliberately by the draft (because Vince hates tag teams, for some reason). And a cool photo gallery to complement the list as well.

(Disgusted that Lay-Cool made the list, even at #36 – McCool’s series of interviews on her website are pissing me off seriously at the moment, because that’s taking attention whoring to new, never-before seen dizzying depths.)

#32 The Brothers of Destruction

Question: who is scarier than The Undertaker? Answer: The Undertaker and Kane.

As vicious as these two brothers’ sibling rivalry can be, the aggression is doubled during those stints when they joined forces as the feared Brothers of Destruction. The duos in the locker room learned to fear the moments where the bros saw eye to eye, as the twosome stomped over squads like Edge & Christian and KroniK en route to total dominance. Their runs as a team were infrequent, but often paid dividends — The Deadman and The Devil’s Favorite Demon captured three separate tag team titles, and were also the team to unify the WWE and WCW Tag Team Championships, devouring DDP and Kanyon at SummerSlam 2001 inside of a steel cage.

And, bonus! Badass ‘Taker! As points out, usually prefers to pretend that era never took place. Which is a damn shame, because hot damn, ‘Taker in jeans is all kinds of hot!

#23 Kane & X-Pac

X-Pac was a crude Minnesota punk who couldn’t go five minutes without pointing at his crotch. Kane was a seven-foot tall sociopath so scarred by childhood trauma that he hid his face underneath a mask. A bromance between the two may have seemed unlikely, but one of sports-entertainment’s most unique friendships was forged in the summer of 1999 as the “Kid” and the “Monster” helped each other become men.

Through X-Pac’s urging, the once-mute Kane gained the confidence to speak with the use of a voice box. And with The Big Red Machine in his corner, Pac found the nerve to face down massive opponents like The Unholy Alliance and The APA. Together, the odd couple grabbed two World Tag Team Championships before a vixen named Tori tore them apart. It’s unfortunate that a woman came between these improbable bros, but nothing this awesome was meant to last.

(Sidenote: I remember hearing Glenn talk in an interview once about how much he hated that voice box!)

Ah, how does this team rate higher than our much loved Brothers of Destruction?

But again, look who featured in the picture for #4, The New Age Outlaws:

Interestingly, the first page of comments on this list are weighted heavily in favour of the Brothers of Destruction needing to be ranked much higher on the list than they are – on this, I actually agree with the WWE Universe!

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