The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

19 October 2012: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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“Miz TV” returned to SmackDown, with special guests WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No

On the heels of his Intercontinental Championship loss to Kofi Kingston on WWE Main Event this past Wednesday, an intense Miz opened “Miz TV” by invoking his rematch against the high-flying new champion at WWE Hell in a Cell. He then went on to introduce his guests, the volatile WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No.

When Daniel Bryan threatened him, the outspoken Awesome One suggested that the submission specialist was clearly “the problem” within the dysfunctional tag team titleholders before stating that whomever they ended up facing at the coming pay-per-view in nine days — Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara or Team Rhodes Scholars — Team Hell No would be defeated.

An argument between Bryan and Kane quickly cut Miz out of the conversation, as the angry pair bickered back and forth, each screaming “I am the Tag Team Champions!” But that dispute was halted when they were interrupted by Big Show.

Informing Kane that their fight could wait until this Monday on Raw, The World’s Largest Athlete turned his attention to Bryan, calling the bearded grappler’s World Title victory over him last year “the biggest fluke of all time” and insisting that nothing like that would ever happen again.

Just as it looked as if Kane and Big Show might battle three days early, Mr. Money in the Bank, Dolph Ziggler, emerged, insisting that past cash-ins like Bryan’s didn’t matter, as he planned to cash in his own contract to become the World Heavyweight Champion at Hell in a Cell — joking that if Bryan did it to Big Show, “How hard can it be?”

As The Miz tried futilely to regain control of his show over all the Superstars yelling back and forth, SmackDown General Manager Booker T opted to join the party, declaring two main-event caliber matches for the blue brand: Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big Show and The Miz against Randy Orton.

Kane 19 October 2012 – ‘Miz TV’ with special guests WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No: Photos

(Interesting note: Every single photo of The Miz in this set has been airbrushed to remove the nasty cut he’s got over his right eyebrow as a result of that kick from Kofi on Monday Night Raw. And they’ve done the same thing for the photo set from his match against Randy Orton. Or deliberately chosen shots that obscure his face. Even though the ref can clearly be seen in the first set of those shots putting on a pair of rubber gloves, in case a wild blow opened him up again and he started bleeding. Cos God forbid we should see that someone who’s actually a professional at this really got hurt doing it!)

“Miz introduces his guests, the WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No.”

Who immediately move into a comedy act that had me in stitches! Even Miz got in on the act, at one point referring to DBryan’s “friends in the petting zoo”!

“Miz suggests that Daniel Bryan is the problem with the dysfunctional tag team, but an argument between Bryan and Kane quickly cuts The Awesome One out of the conversation.”

Seriously, the bit where DBryan insists that the Devil’s Favorite Demon had nothing on him, because he’s the “World’s Toughest Vegan” had me in stitches!

And Mr “I have no sense of humour” comes right back with “The world’s toughest vegan? That’s like being the World’s Tallest Dwarf. [pause, then very drily] Of course, you’ve got that one covered too.”


These two were preventing one another from answering questions – DBryan covered Kane’s mic, Kane put a big gloved paw over DBryan’s mouth – and then when the Miz did try to get a word in edgewise, they gave him the in unison “No!”

God love them, they’re having so much fun!

“Their bickering is interrupted by Big Show, who states that he doesn’t have a problem with Kane . . . ”

” . . . but he does with Bryan, calling the submission technician’s World Title victory over him last year ‘the biggest fluke of all time’.”

He did say he and Kane have a date on Monday night, so at least we know we’ll get some Kane action! 😉

But see, you don’t want to get in a pissing contest with Kane, because he’s right up there in Big Show’s grill, telling him they don’t have to wait til Monday night – they can just go at it right now.

Show’s appearance somewhat inexplicably brings out Dolph Ziggler, who yammers on about how he’s going to cash in on either Sheamus or Show after Hell in A Cell. Because after all, if Daniel Bryan can cash in on Big Show, just how hard can it be?

Then it degenerates into a shouting match, of course, until Booker T comes out to declare two matches for the night . . .

” . . . Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big Show . . . ”

With Team Hell No doing their best “WTF” faces in the background!

Oh, and Miz taking on Randy Orton next – so scurry, crew people, quick like bunnies, and break down the Miz TV set for the match up next! 😉 has video here of most of the amusing stuff, but hit up YouTube to see it all!


WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. Big Show & Dolph Ziggler

In SmackDown’s second explosive tag team match of the night, a contest made by GM Booker T earlier in the show, Big Show joined forces with Dolph Ziggler against the dreaded, dysfunctional WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No.

In the brutal showdown that followed, Bryan kicked Big Show’s feet out from under him, dropping the immense giant off the ring apron, before tagging Kane in. The Big Red Monster eventually went for the Chokeslam on The Showoff. But before Kane could execute, Bryan once again tagged himself in. As The Devil’s Favorite Demon brought the distraction to their adversaries, Bryan made Mr. Money in the Bank tap out with the “No!” Lock.

As the titleholders engaged in a post-match argument, once again screaming “I am the Tag Team Champions!” to each other at the top of the ramp, they were suddenly attacked from behind by Team Rhodes Scholars, who sent a strong message that they intend to challenge them at WWE Hell in a Cell.

[Bwahahaha! So I’m guessing that Rey-rey’s “flu” means the last round of the number one contenders tournament, scheduled for Monday, is a no-go. Funny, I’ve never had a “flu” that made me walk with a limp . . . 😉 ]

Kane 19 October 2012 – Team Hell No vs. Big Show & Dolph Ziggler: Photos

Miz made reference in the opening spot on the show to how Kane and DBryan have separate entrances, which proves they aren’t a proper tag team. Fuck dat! No way should Kane have to give up his red lights and flames – or share them with DBryan!

DBryan did most of the . . . well, I won’t say it was the heavy lifting. More like the “getting his ass handed to him” in this match.

But that just meant Kane getting very excited on the apron, urging “Daniel” on, and begging for the tag. So damn cute!

But we did get some classic Kane moves, like this big boot! Love a man who’s that flexible!

However, when DBryan finally does get to tag Kane in for the second time, it’s not long before DBryan tags himself back in to go for the pin on a shaken Ziggler.

Nice ass, Kane 😉

As seems to be the “go to” ending for tag matches, Show interferes as DBryan is going for the knockout move on Ziggler. Bringing Kane in to intervene.

Did I say before Kane was flexible? Holyfuckinghells, how about he’s super-flexible!?

Show dispatched, Ziggler goes to make a move to dispose of Kane. Which fails because Kane is super-awesome like that. 😉

And then, like a good boy, Kane exits the ring, leaving Ziggler to fall prey to the No Lock by DBryan and tap out like a little girl.

There’s the usual bickering post the bell, which continues as they head up to the Tron . . . and where Team Rhodes Scholars attack.

All the digitals are of DBryan, but Kane got tossed off the Tron stage to the arena floor, which instantly put me into “Poor Kane!” hurt/comfort mode. has video here, but it doesn’t show the post match beatdown.

However, check out the video of the Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett match here, because about a minute into that one, Team Hell No do a run-in and brawl their way through the lumberjacks, heading for Team Rhodes Scholars.

Heath Slater, who like the rest of the Three Man Band, now sporting leather pants, looks like he escaped from a leather-scene night club, looks like he thinks he’s got a shot against Kane at this point.

Yep, that’d be Heath on the ground there, felled by an uppercut from Kane on the way through like a big red wrecking ball!

Cody jumps in the ring to try to get away, but Sheamus is having none of that and hurls him back out to his fate!

And while Sheamus picks up his win, Kane and DBryan take off through the crowd chasing Team Rhodes Scholars!

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