The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

15 October 2012: RAW digitals – Kane

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Big Show def. Daniel Bryan after demanding a match with him

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – As Raw began on Monday night, Big Show stormed to the ring with vindication on his mind. As the Music City crowd roared its disapproval, the giant recapped the past few weeks of his encounters with World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus — specifically, his foiling of the Brogue Kick last week on Raw and the scientific measurement of his KO Punch’s power last Friday on SmackDown. But more than just disparaging The Celtic Warrior, Big Show came to Raw with a monkey on his back: his much-maligned 45-second World Heavyweight Championship reign, which has been the subject of much derision by current World Champion Sheamus as their title match at Hell in a Cell approaches.

Happily, The World’s Largest Athlete came armed with a solution: a one-on-one match with Tag Team Champion Daniel Bryan, the man who cut his title reign short that fateful night at WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs via a Money in the Bank cash-in. “One match, one punch, one pin, I’ll erase it,” Show thundered. “BRING ME DANIEL BRYAN!!!”

Backstage, however, the irritable submission expert was loath to grant the giant his request, scoffing at Big Show’s apparent inability to get over his embarrassment at Bryan’s hands and refusing to compete against the giant. That is, until Raw General Manager AJ Lee skipped onto the scene to pull rank on the “No!” man, forcing her former paramour into competition against his old foil. Suffice it to say, Kane (and the assembled WWE Superstars watching the drama unfold) found the whole thing highly amusing, as collective cries of “Yes!” followed Bryan out of the locker room area and toward the ring where the giant lie in wait.

Sadly, there was nowhere to hide for Bryan when he faced Show again. While Bryan managed to upset the giant on numerous occasions thanks to a wily exploitation of technicalities, the submission technician found himself with his back to the wall against The World’s Largest Athlete. Despite his best efforts, Bryan just wasn’t able to topple the giant again.

Bryan went back to his old game plan of attempting to “chop the big redwood down,” as J.R. said, unleashing a barrage of kicks on the giant’s knees and attempting to evade Show’s powerful strikes. But despite his gusty recovery from a spear and a bear hug by the giant, David fell to Goliath when Bryan found himself on the receiving end of a chokeslam that put the Tag Team Champion(s?) down for the count. Thankfully, Bryan was spared the further degradation of a KO Punch when Kane came to his partner’s rescue (though, to be fair, the demon in red wasn’t above a few laughs at Bryan’s expense before the situation turned dire). Kane stared down The World’s Largest Athlete as he was about to deck the submission technician, seemingly dissuading Show from unloading further on the fallen Bryan.

Safe to say Bryan’s had better nights, but at least The Big Red Monster had his buddy’s back.

Kane 15 October 2012 – Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show: Photos

“Backstage, Raw General Manager AJ Lee announces that Bryan will indeed face The World’s Largest Athlete immediately!”

And Kane found this very amusing – two thumbs up for Big Red Sex God laughter!

And found it even more amusing when Big Show beat Goatface . . . errr, DBryan. More Big Red Sex God laughter!

“The other WWE Tag Team Champion, Kane, walks down to the ring, staring down Big Show.”

Well actually, he was walking down to the ring laughing at DBryan. And smiling! Holy hells, loving that!

Say what now? Kane’s growing a conscience about after the bell beatdowns? Say it isn’t so!

This is getting a bit bromantic, all this rescuing that’s going on.

“Big Show retreats, leaving Kane and his fellow WWE Tag Team Champion in the ring.”

Oh that’s better! Back to insulting and belittling – I can deal with that! 😉 has video here – only of the closing stages of the match though. So if you want to see Kane looking luscious and amused backstage, hit up YouTube!


WWE Tag Team Champion Kane def. Matt Striker

It’s safe to say that Matt Striker had a different scenario in mind when he asked Raw GM AJ Lee for an apology from Kane following The Big Red Monster’s attack of Striker on SmackDown. But in an instance of a poor-at-best choice of words, Striker made the mistake of referring to Kane’s apparent amnesty as “crazy,” which led to AJ putting him in the ring against The Big Red Monster on Raw.

However, Striker had one ace up his sleeve when he found himself staring Kane in the face: He appealed to Kane’s recent progress in anger management. “What would Dr. Shelby say?” Striker pleaded with The Big Red Monster. “These people don’t want to see mindless carnage,” Striker said (cue the “MIND-LESS-CAR-NAGE!!” chants). And, after a tense moment or two, Striker seemed to get his wish when Kane wrapped Striker up in a good old-fashioned Team Hell No hug … which led into yet another Chokeslam to the embattled broadcaster. The carnage was far from mindless, though, as Kane took the opportunity to get the fallen Striker’s thoughts on the contest following his loss.

With Striker flattened on the mat, The Big Red Monster grabbed a mic and asked the question on everyone’s mind: “Tough loss. How are you feeling?” Striker’s defeated muttering seemed to satisfy Kane, though. “Couldn’t have said it better myself,” The Devil’s Favorite Demon said before cutting the impromptu interview short, grabbing hold of his title and roaring “I AM THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!!” for good measure.

Kane 15 October 2012 – Kane vs. Matt Striker: Photos

“WWE Tag Team Champion Kane makes a fiery entrance.”

Always amuses me how this seems to frighten his opponents – you’d think they’d be used to it by now! 😉

“Kane’s opponent, Matt Striker, pleads with him to call off the match.”

And someone on commentary explains how, even though Striker’s not a wrestler any more, he still carries his gear with him. Old wrestler’s habit, apparently.

Also, Striker’s got something truly freaky happening on his left shoulder there . . . wondering if that’s why he’s not an active wrestler any more.

Also also? Kane’s ass is sublime. Just putting that out there. 😉

(from WWE’s Official Kane Facebook page)

“I’m a broadcaster now,” Striker says, asking Kane to think about what Dr. Shelby would want him to do.”

Which does indeed make the Big Red Sex God pause in a thoughtful manner.

“Nobody wants to see mindless carnage,” Striker says.

Like hell! Bring it ON!

And the crowd, like good sheep (and possibly prompted by a plant or two) soon began the “Mindless Carnage!” chants!

And this continues to absolutely kill me! Kane offering to hug it out FTW! -mad giggling fit-

“The Big Red Monster surprisingly offers to hug it out with Striker.”

Man’s a damn good hugger too, I got to give him that.

And now we get a closeup of the shoulderporn, and the little fuzzy hairs on Kane’s back and his hairy forearms and my mind goes completely to mush!

“The hug quickly turns into physicality.”

Now see, I’m liking that – Kane using the hug as a weapon! But that’s just how I like my monsters!

Mmmm, shoulderporn and intensity!

Slightly obscured shoulderporn and a mother of a chokeslam!

“Kane chokeslams Striker for a quick victory.”

I’ll say it was quick – two hugs and a chokeslam. Is that the wrestling equivalent of two pumps and a dribble? (Sorry Kane, not implying anything, you know that – but that line was just begging to be taken!)


Moving on!


And there’s the pin . . . and the shoulderporn. All is right with the world!

Uh oh, he’s got a mic! This is gonna be good!

Oh now I know they’re just trying to kill me! The headtilt, the little fuzzies on the back of his shoulders, the amused expression and oh yes, the shoulderporn . . . -fans self-

“Kane turns the tables on the announcer and interviews him, questioning him about their match.”


The way Kane’s half-laying there, all casual – Jesus wept, that’s HAWT!

And we all know the man’s magic on the mic, but this sarcastic side is just double HAWT!

Plus there’s shoulderporn . . .

(this one’s from the WWE’s Official Facebook page)

. . . happy place! has the video here.

Now, you’ve probably heard me bitching about the crappy internet speeds we get in Australia, but sometimes while the WWE videos are buffering, this is worth it:

Mmmm, yeah, liking that a whole lot!

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