The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

1 March 2013: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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The Prime Time Players def. WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No in a Non-Title Match

On Raw, WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No triumphed over The Prime Time Players, despite the special circumstances of their specialty match in which Daniel Bryan was forced to wear a hood over his head and Kane had one arm tied behind his back.

Before their rematch on SmackDown, Bryan talked to General Manager Booker T, making it so his Big Red partner would have to wear the hood, while he had his arm tied behind his back. Kane’s response was that it was actually a good thing for two reasons: When he beat their opponents again, it would prove he was better than his fellow Tag Team Champion and, with the hood on, he wouldn’t have to see Bryan’s goat face.

A surprise came moments before the match, though, when Bryan put the hood on The Big Red Monster, revealing a goat face painted on it.

In the match that followed — moments after Bryan tagged himself in — a blinded Kane grabbed both the referee and his partner, trying to determine if either one was his opponent. While he soon figured it out and let both go, Bryan elected to push him when he turned around. This prompted Kane to shove Bryan to the canvas, setting up Titus O’Neil to pick up the quick pinfall.

After the match, Kane discovered the goat face on his hood and proceeded to place it on a hug-seeking Bryan before sending him back to the canvas for a second time.

If you haven’t seen it, hit up YouTube or Hulu and check out the backstage bit – bless Kane, he’s such a pro, and so damn good at the comedy stuff!

Kane 1 March 2013 – Team Hell No vs. The Prime Time Players: Photos

Disappointed at the lack of hummer angle, but Kane always looks luscious under the red lights!

-giggling- Okay, so Blind Freddy could see where this was going for an after the match explosion! And it was funny! But I’m guessing that no-one really wanted to see Kane in a full-on gimp mask cos, goddamn, backing up the porn two shows in a row would be . . . yeah, you all know where my mind is going! 😉

Laugh it up, DBryan – your time’ll come!

Damnit, from the side, that really does look like a gimp mask . . . HAWT!

Kane killed it, wrestling under the blindfold. They made DBryan look like a fool, and Kane like the ultimate sex symbol, the thinking monster!

P.S. DBryan does not make having one arm tied behind his back sexy. In any way, shape or form.

Glee! Kane using the crowd noise to determine which way to go! Clever! DBryan, on the apron there? Realising he’s being taught a lesson about keeping his mouth shut.

Don’t need to see to do a chokeslam, just need that big paw around someone’s throat!

Unfortunately, you do need to see in order to find that chokeslammed someone to get the pin . . . although Kane on his hands and knees searching was . . . HAWT! Again with the porn – thanks WWE! 😉

The inevitable bit where Kane grabs his partner and the referee. Kane looks far more menacing in this than DBryan looked attempting to put the No Lock on Charles Robertson on Monday night – you seeing the pattern here, DBryan?

Kane determining this is DBryan by getting a fistful of Goatface’s beard – brilliant!

DBryan screws up and The Prime Time Players get the win.

. . . and then Kane discovers he’s been wearing the goatface mask.

And seriously, for a guy wearing a mask that covers most of his face, that’s some pretty damn fine acting when you can’t actually see much of his facial expression!

I’m reminded of something I heard Edge say recently, about making the transition into acting with “Haven” (and look, if you haven’t checked that show out, do it – it’s pretty damned good! And Edge makes delightful eye-candy! Even got an ep where he’s got his shirt off! 😉 )

He said that he was very used to over-acting with his facial expressions, because he had to make them obvious even for fans in the nose-bleed seats, and the director had to get him to dial that back quite a lot.

You watch ‘Taker and Kane, though – there’s precious little over-acting with them. These are guys who can convey the slightest of nuances with subtle facial expression and body language.

The boys in the back should be watching and taking notes. I’m just sayin’, is all.

See? Compare the pair (to borrow a line from an Australian ad campaign) – Kane’s facial expression is subtle, what we can see of it. Hell, even the way he’s holding the mask in his fingertips conveys distaste.

DBryan, on the other hand, has gone for the cartoonish facial expression and the “hands up in terror” schtick.

Guess DBryan didn’t take enough notes. Which he should have, working with a guy as good as Kane.

And just to . . . underscore his displeasure, when DBryan wanted a hug? What he got was the goatface gimp mask and a savage uppercut.


Oh, and shoulderporn.

Glee and shoulderporn – is there a better way to end a match? I think not! 😉 has match video here – it’s showing as “unavailable” for me, but hopefully Steph will get her IT crew to extract the digit and fix that soon.

If not, and you’re in the US, there’s always YouTube or Hulu!

Final thoughts – okay, DBryan isn’t feeling the comedy stuff any more, but to hell with him – I’m actually loving it! And I think it’s doing a pretty good job of setting up Kane vs. DBryan for ‘Mania after they end up dropping the belts.

When that happens? When DBryan gets his chance to do “srs rassling”? Against Kane? On the grandest stage of them all? With Kane bringing his absolute A-game, as he always does?

DBryan’s gonna wish he’d kept his mouth shut and stuck with the comedy.


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