The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

14 January 2013: 20th Anniversary RAW digitals – Kane

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Team Hell No underwent their four-month evaluation with Dr. Shelby

What a difference four months makes. When last we left Dr. Shelby, the good doc was left exasperated on a weekly basis by the continuous bickering of his star patients, Team Hell No. But in their first evaluation of 2013, the mad duo seemed to be finally cured of their anger demons when Shelby sat them down for one final session. And while Kane and Bryan might have twisted the truth a bit when asked to describe their favorite things about each other just to make Shelby happy (depending whom you ask, Kane is quite the dancer and Daniel Bryan dabbles in women’s clothing), it was Shelby’s foray into “immersion therapy” that brought the wheels off the proceedings.

To see how Kane and Bryan functioned in the presence of an anger trigger, Shelby summoned Team Rhodes Scholars into the session to help Kane and Bryan find their “happy place.” It didn’t quite work, as Shelby was summarily subjected to a barrage of distasteful comments by the immaculately groomed twosome. To his credit, Shelby didn’t bit when Rhodes and Sandow peppered him with insults (he is an anger management therapist after all), but when Sandow insinuated Team Hell No would be better suited with Dr. Phil as their therapist, the good doc kind of lost it. Channeling his students’ own explosive anger (irony, thy name is Shelby), Dr. Shelby sicced Team Hell No on Team Rhodes Scholars, driving them from his session and causing Kane to declare that he and Bryan had finally found their happy place. And then, they all yelled “YES!”

In our humble, not at all medical opinion, we deem it a breakthrough. Congratulations, Team Hell No. has the hilarious video here – enjoy!!


WWE Tag Team Champion Kane def. Damien Sandow

It appears the battle between Team Hell No and Team Rhodes Scholars will come to a head at the Royal Rumble, but before the two tandems battle with the titles on the line, Kane and Damien Sandow took to the ring in Houston to settle a personal matter one-on-one. With the Scholars having interrupted and derailed the champions’ four-month evaluation with Dr. Shelby earlier in the evening by insulting the good doctor (and with Team Hell No having finally made their breakthrough in unifying to defend Shelby), Kane stepped into the ring against The Enlightened One, looking to build upon his and Bryan’s discovery of their “happy place.” The sentiment seemed to work, as Kane scored a resounding victory over “The Lord of Literacy” in singles action. Sandow was rolling early on but Kane’s veteran wiles won out in the end. Snatching Sandow out of the sky when The Enlightened One attempted a top-rope strike, Kane sealed Sandow’s fate with a Chokeslam that left “The Duke of Decency” counting the Toyota Center lights as the ref counted to three.

Kane 14 January 2013 – Kane vs. Damien Sandow: Photos

Kane looking luscious as usual under the red lights. Especially after he found his “happy place” with Dr Shelby!

-gigglefits- Pats informs me she could clearly see Kane’s “happy place” – so I’m assuming there was a legendary #HummerAngle here! 😉

Dear God in Heaven, those muscles!

And we give a big ol’ Brothers of Destruction welcome back with love to the Kane fangirl, for this wonderful shot of Kane’s “happy place”! -snickering-

-mad snickerfit- It may be Raw’s 20th birthday, but boy howdy, we’re the ones getting the presents with these shots!

Happy place indeed! 😉

And just to reinforce what I’ve always said, here’s a shot of Kane’s feet. Yep, definitely going to my happy place!

That’s it, Kane, send him crashing with a sidewalk slam!

Holy crap! Sandow’s a pretty big guy, but check out the height Kane got on that chokeslam!

Is it just me, or is that pin just the most luscious pose imaginable from Kane? (Ignoring Sandow and his fruity pink tights in there, of course!)

My dirty mind is just working overtime!!


Moving on!

The monster, dominant. Oh hell yeah – where do I get me some of that?

And the triumphant ring pyros – yay!!

And then Kane came out to support DBryan . . .

Looking big and gorgeous even without the red entrance lighting!

Such a supportive tag team partner!! has video here – enjoy!

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