The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

24 December 2012: RAW digitals – Kane

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WWE Tag Team Champion Kane def. Cody Rhodes

Still feeling the lingering effects of a devastating Chokeslam by WWE Tag Team Champion Kane in tag action on WWE Main Event, Cody Rhodes did battle one-on-one with the champion. Despite his best efforts ā€” including exposing a turnbuckle in hopes of using it to his advantage ā€” the third-generation Superstar once again fell victim to a monstrous Chokeslam from The Big Red Monster.

Kane 24 December 2012 – Kane vs. Cody Rhodes: Photos

No entrance picture of Kane with the enormous pile of wrapped gifts in the background – guess he wouldn’t like that, since he wants to beat up Santa Claus! šŸ˜‰

Instead, we’re straight into the action with a vicious uppercut – yes!

Oi! Cody! Lay off the knee! Don’t make me hurt you and that godawful moustache!

Godawful moustache or no, I have to admit, Cody does have one helluva enzuiguri. Not so found of seeing it delivered on Kane, mind!

Now, this photo is meant to remind us that the dastardly Cody has stripped the turnbuckle cover, featured front and centre here, and that bad things may await our hero Kane!

Me personally? Far too distracted by the out of focus shoulderporn going on in the background! Plus, Kane’s ass is the best Christmas present ever!! šŸ˜‰

Oh now dat’s some luscious shoulderporn! But I’ll bet that hurt!

Seriously, the look on Cody’s face, makes me wonder if he twirled the imaginary end of that awful moustache and did the evil villainous laugh as he pulled this move . . . cos we wouldn’t want the 85% dumber than a bag of hammers in the audience to miss that Cody is now a dastardly heel! -facepalm-

Kane sends the villain . . . errr, Cody . . . flying!

Oh, and we don’t have to worry about that exposed turnbuckle no more – the heroic referee Mike Chioda spotted the problem and fixed it! Go Mike!

(I haven’t actually seen RAW yet, so if that’s incorrect, blame Steph’s idiots over on, because that’s the story these digitals are telling me!)

Big old chokeslam for Cody!

Sweet zombie Jesus! Talk about your Christmas presents!! How’s this for showcasing Kane’s strength? He’s deadlifting Cody there – Cody’s hand may be on Kane’s shoulder, but it’s not supporting any of his weight.

HolyMaryMotherOfGod, that’s hot!!!! And check out the shoulderporn!! Not to mention that lean muscular damn torso . . .

. . .


Moving on!

Welp, Steph’s guys got the digitals out of order again, cos here’s the set up to that chokeslam.

Am I gonna complain?

When there’s this perfectly lovely shoulderporn being offered? Not to mention that gorgeous ass?

Hell no!

And it’s a win for Kane! And no sign of The Shield, or any of the other bullshit fuckery that’s plagued us of late.

Merry Christmas! has video here – enjoy!

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