The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

1 October 2012: Raw digitals – Kane

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1 October 2012


WWE Champion CM Punk and Paul Heyman demanded an apology from Raw General Manager AJ Lee

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Voice of the Voiceless, CM Punk, took to the airwaves as Raw began, throwing accusations of cowardice in the general direction of both John Cena and Mick Foley. Punk condemned them for their actions the previous week (Cena for battering Punk with a lead pipe while the WWE Champion’s back was turned and Foley for a perceived act of disrespect in the locker room area as Raw went to black). While The Second City Saint showed little to no remorse for his attack on The Hardcore Legend in the locker room, he did say that Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy managed to reach Punk with his impassioned plea to face John Cena at Hell in a Cell for the WWE Title. That said, he must not have reached the WWE Champion all too well, because despite Foley’s “eloquent” speech, the match was still not going to happen.

With that business settled, The Voice of the Voice of the Voiceless, Paul Heyman, was next to step up to the mic. He took Raw General Manager AJ Lee to task for striking him last week following the mad scientist’s marriage proposal and called for her termination as GM for violating a previous edict by the WWE Board of Directors preventing AJ from putting her hands on any competitors, managers or the like ever again. And who would fill the power void left by Miss Lee’s hypothetical removal from power? Paul Heyman.

Vickie Guerrero, however, was not having it. Flanked by Dolph Ziggler, the “Queen Diva” strode to the ring with great purpose and made her case for assuming the GM position. Jaw-jacking followed, which left The Showoff to assume the unlikely role of peacekeeper: What if, Ziggler posed, Vickie and Heyman were to team up as Co-GMs following AJ’s potential ouster.

This left AJ no choice but to make her presence known, revealing to her assembled, would-be usurpers that the Board of Directors had placed her on probation, and she had hired an “Executive Coach” to help her through an evaluation period. Which promptly brought out …

Daniel Bryan?

Yes (yes, yes, yes), Team Hell No’s bearded technical maven stormed down to the ring, somehow managing between his apoplectic screams of “NO!” to assert that AJ’s issues have been compounded by her dumping at the hands of Bryan following his WrestleMania loss. Bryan nefariously twiddled his beard as he extolled his own physical virtues (“I AM HANDSOME!!!!”) and championship acumen (“I’M THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!!”). This brought out Kane, who tossed a compliment AJ’s way (“she is a phenomenal kisser!”) before correcting one of Bryan’s points: that Kane, not Bryan, was the Tag Team Champions.

Chaos followed, with Kane, Bryan, Ziggler, Punk, Vickie and Heyman all screaming over each other before AJ regained control of the masses. “This is my show,” seethed the boss lady, decreeing that the night’s main event would be Punk & Ziggler facing the WWE Tag Team Champions, Team Hell No.

Kane 1 October 2012 – AJ Lee makes the main event for Raw: Photos

Okay, so there was lots of yakking (see what I did there, ignoring all of that unimportant stuff) before Kane made his way to the ring.

Looking damn fine!

(courtesy of official WWE Facebook page)

But it wouldn’t be Team Hell No if they weren’t in one another’s face.  Counting down to that in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1

“After informing the WWE Universe that AJ is a “phenomenal kisser”, he and his fellow WWE Tag Team Champion argue about who is the official titleholder.”

-mad giggling- And was that not the line of the night?  Especially the way he said it!!

(courtesy of official WWE Facebook page)

Look at that expression on her face!  Betcha she was dying to say, “Right back atcha, big guy!”  Cos hey, I haven’t forgotten that scorching backstage kiss at No Way Out! 😉

And then things degenerate . . . as they do!

“As the ring erupts in chaos, AJ screams for everyone to “Stop it!”.”

Another one of my love AJ moments!

But what’s really amusing me is on the left there, DBryan up on his toes and he’s still not tall enough to actually get in Kane’s face as they’re bickering!

“This is my show, and probation or not, I am still the General Manager of Raw and what I say goes!” the Diva says.”

You go, AJ!!

“Team Hell No will face Punk & Ziggler in the main event of Raw!”

Main event – now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!

There’s no video of this on but please, hit up You Tube to watch the sexiness that is Kane with his line of the night!  Plus AJ Lee being downright adorable – seriously, I just love her in the GM role!

Again from

WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. WWE Champion CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler

(courtesy of official WWE Facebook page)

Looks like Team Hell No is finally getting their groove: the infighting was minimal, the chemistry was strong and the end result was undeniable when the odd-couple champions picked up a win over WWE Champion CM Punk & Mr. Money in the Bank Dolph Ziggler, with Punk himself suffering the deciding pinfall of the evening.

There was one wrinkle that did threaten to derail the whole enterprise: Following a tense job evaluation at the hands of her “Executive Coach,” AJ Lee decided to prove her mettle as a leader by suiting up in the zebra stripes and taking the referee’s job for the evening’s main event. But despite her romantic history with the majority of the in-ring competitors, the Raw General Manager called the match fair and down the middle.

Punk & Ziggler worked surprisingly well together given their status as an odd couple. Ziggler mounted a strong offense against The Devil’s Favorite Demon when he locked the monstrous Tag Champion in a sleeper hold while Punk and Bryan briefly resumed their epic, technical rivalry when the two found themselves in the ring together. The mounting synergy of Team Hell No won out in the end, however, with Kane & Bryan executing a series of tandem moves and, despite a few unwanted tags, displaying a newfound proficiency and protectiveness toward each other. Kane, in particular, seemed incensed when Ziggler attempted to batter Bryan outside the apron.

Ultimately, the team that demanded the most validation found itself short when AJ ejected Paul Heyman and Vickie Guerrero. Vickie promptly commanded Ziggler to leave as well and The Showoff, though conflicted, obliged. With Punk left alone in the lion’s den, it fell to Kane to spell The Second City Saint’s doom with a bone-rattling Chokeslam that left The Voice of the Voiceless staring up at the lights.

True to form, Team Hell No couldn’t celebrate the victory without a little bit of infighting, as Kane and Bryan resumed their “I’m the Tag Team Champions” back and forth in Raw’s closing minutes. It would appear that true harmony (and CM Punk’s quest for validation) will have to wait at least one more week.

Kane 1 October 2012 – Team Hell No vs. CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler: Photos

“Daniel Bryan will team with fellow WWE Tag Team Champion, Kane, in the Raw main event.”

And another shot of Kane looking luscious under his red entrance lights.  Me likes!

“Will Team Hell No be able to put aside their differences for the tag team match?”


Anyone else hoping that Dr Shelby has to come back for some more anger management therapy?  Cos man, those segments are just GOLD!

“Surprise! The special guest referee is Raw General Manager AJ Lee.”


Oh yeah!  Take that, Ziggles – that’s what you get for wearing trunks that look like a damn baby’s diaper! 😉

Have I mentioned the phenomenal shape that Kane is in lately?  Because goddamn, he really is!

Plus?  Shoulderporn! 😉

“J.R. calls this match “Days of our WWE Lives” because of AJ’s past involvement with several of the competitors.”

“Several”? How about 3 outta 4? 😉

And while I’m glad Jerry Lawler’s getting better, it’s really cool to have JR on commentary!  #SauceIt!

And I’m also loving how dominant they’re finally allowing Kane to be as part of Team Hell No – but mark my words, if Rey Mysterio and Botch Cara end up being number one contenders, I’ll be headless.  And if they win? I say WE RIOT!

When will Ziggler learn this sleeper move just won’t work on Kane?  He’s too big, and too strong!

Mind you, love how it demonstrates Kane’s strength!

Another angle on the sleeper hold, courtesy of official WWE Facebook page

“AJ was a special guest referee at Money in the Bank when Daniel Bryan faced CM Punk.”

AJ who?  Totally distracted by shoulderporn! 😉

So, downside to Kane in tag matches is less time to see him in action.

Upside?  He’s is freakin’ priceless on the apron!  His facial expressions (even under the mask, because he’s that damn good as an actor) and his body language do as much to tell the story of the match as what’s happening inside the ropes!

Witness this shot!  Dismayed!  Dismayed, I tell you! 😉

“AJ tosses Heyman from ringside after he assists Punk by putting his foot on the ropes.”

I loved this!!  You tell him AJ!!

“After she tries to interfere, Vickie is also ejected from ringside.”

AJ – not very large but very much in charge!

Also, loving the pink middle rope for the Susan G. Komen campaign.  And how everyone’s wearing the pink ribbon!

“Ziggler follows Vickie, leaving Punk alone in the match.”

And on the receiving end of a diving clothesline from Kane!

Seriously love this move, mostly for the incredibly athletic way Kane lands and rolls out of it – like it’s nothing for a seven foot guy to leap from five feet up onto the mat with an unlucky opponent in the way.

“Kane seals Punk’s fate with a Chokeslam.”

So long, Punker – thanks for playing! 😉

(courtesy of official WWE Facebook page)

Oh, and sorry about that wedgie! -snickering-

“Team Hell No is victorious, and Bryan asks Kane for his WWE Tag Team Title.”

-snickering- I have the feeling that as a child, growing up with the Undertaker, Kane never really learned to share well!

And it devolved into the usual shouting match – love it! has match video here – enjoy!

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