The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

20 January 2014: RAW digitals – Kane

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WWE Director of Operations Kane apologized to CM Punk

Hell has indeed frozen over when The Devil’s Favorite Demon offers up an apology. Kane – the same man who once electrocuted Shane McMahon in the groin and Tombstoned a man of the cloth – offered up an Authority-mandated mea culpa to CM Punk just a few days after attacking The Second City Saint on SmackDown, though the forced act of contrition didn’t exactly calm the former WWE Champion’s anti-establishment demeanor. In fact, Punk not only made light of Kane’s apology but literally threw it in his face when he clobbered the corporate demon in the head with the microphone. The Director of Operations seemed ready to unleash the monster within until Brad Maddox arrived to contain the situation, offering Punk up one of The New Age Outlaws – Billy Gunn, determined via Rock, Paper, Scissors – as an opponent instead.

Kane 20 January 2014 – Kane apologizes to CM Punk: Photos

“Director of Operations Kane is forced to deliver a message on Raw.”

And he doesn’t look too happy about it!

“He calls CM Punk down to the ring.”

That tie is striped like a candy Kane … gettit?? -snickering- #SeeWhatIDidThere? #YesIAmTwelve

” “As Director of Operations, I overstepped my bounds and let my emotions get the best of me,” Kane says.”

Naughty Kane! You must be punished! First the spanking, then the oral sex! Ooops – did I say that out loud? 😉

” “Punk, I apologize for chokeslamming you on SmackDown.” ”

That apology just reeks of sincerity. Okay, maybe sincerity isn’t the word I’m going for there … but it reeks of something!

That’s Kane’s used car salesman smile! (I could have said it’s his politician’s smile, but I am so goddamn tired of hearing how this corporate Kane gimmick is being used to help Kane transition into some kind of political office – yeah, cos voters in their millions watch WWE, and will of course vote for a guy who wears a suit while attacking people, because that’s the kind of person they want as their representative! -facepalm-)

“The Straight Edge Superstar pretends he can’t hear Kane’s apology.”

And that’s Kane’s “I’m ten seconds from tearing your head off” look. 😉

“Punk gets payback by attacking the Director of Operations.”

Damnit, there’s something about those crisp white cuffs under that suit jacket that pushes all my buttons!

Punk, proving he’s batshit insane, gives a pissed-off Kane the big “Come at me, bro!”

Anyway, Brad Maddox, trying to prove he’s in charge of something other than choosing awful clothing, puts Punk in a match against one of The New Age Outlaws. Which I couldn’t give two fucks about because jesus, don’t they have enough guys on the roster not getting any TV time at all without bringing back two of Triple H’s buddies as a fairly transparent move to eventually getting the whole of DX inducted into the Hall of Fame. (Bet you money right now that won’t include Chyna.)

And after said bullshit match, Kane shows Punk what happens when you give him the “Come at me, bro.”

“Kane informs Punk he will be the No. 1 entrant in this Sunday’s 30-Superstar Royal Rumble Match!”

Which is about as close as you can get to a “Fuck you, bitchboy” as you can get on a family friendly show.

😀 has the video here

Yep, about two minutes of Kane in a suit and I’m good! 😉

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One thought on “20 January 2014: RAW digitals – Kane

  1. Pingback: Digitals (or lack thereof) – Kane | The Brothers of Destruction

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