The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

17 January 2014: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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CM Punk’s stand was unseated by Kane’s chokeslam

After The New Age Outlaws left CM Punk holding the bag during their Six-Man Tag Team Match against The Shield Monday on Raw, a furious Second City Saint called out all of his enemies at once — The Shield, The Outlaws, The Authority and anyone else he could think of.

However, just as The Voice of the Voiceless launched into a diatribe against The Game himself, Triple H, both The Hounds of Justice and The New Age Outlaws surrounded the ring. When order was about to break down, however, Director of Operations Kane came out to quell the tensions.

Telling Punk that his anger is misplaced, Kane tried to assure The Best in the World that The Authority is actually on his side and that Kane’s top directive is to make sure the former WWE Champion is treated fairly. Punk wasn’t buying it, however, and when The Big Red Monster attempted to exit the ring, The Second City Saint struck with a vicious verbal assault that led to a ring-shaking chokeslam to The Best in the World as SmackDown went off the air.

Kane 17 January 2014 – CM Punk calls out his multiple enemies: Photos

“After The New Age Outlaws abandoned him during their Six-Man Tag Team Match against The Shield Monday on Raw, a furious CM Punk comes to SmackDown.”

“The Best in the World calls out all of his enemies at once – The Shield, The Outlaws, The Authority and anyone else he can think of!”

“Just as The Voice of the Voiceless launches into a diatribe against the WWE COO Triple H, The Shield emerges … ”

” … followed by The New Age Outlaws!”

“Punk’s enemies surround the ring, as he readies himself for a 1-on-5 brawl”

“WWE Director of Operations Kane, however, crashes the party.”

Let me, once again, go on record and say that goddamn, I am never getting tired of seeing this man in a suit!

“Kane says Punk’s anger is misplaced and assures him The Authority is actually on his side.”

Plus I am also never getting tired of the audio porn!

“The Best in the World doesn’t buy it.”

Kane as the diplomat … who’da thunk it? Makes me wonder what his big brother will say when he comes back! 😉

“When Kane attempts to exit the ring, Punk lets loose a vicious verbal salvo … ”

“Kane? I have your word? Well that used to mean something, but now your word is nothing coming from a seven foot tall sell out suck up.”

“… and The Big Red Monster responds with a massive chokeslam to The Second City Saint as SmackDown goes off the air.”

But not before growling something in Punk’s face in a very dominant Monster Kane fashion – glee!

And JBL on commentary with, “There’s a monster in that suit.” Uh-huh! There is!

Ah, I’ve so missed the red lights!

And missed the monster!

Yeah, maybe Punk will think twice before running his mouth next time. 😉 has the video here, which kicks off with Corporate Kane in charge, demanding for The Shield and The New Age Outlaws to stand down.

“I said, stand down!” Gives me goosebumps! (And inspiration, but you don’t need to know about that … yet!)

There’s placating, there’s The Authority wanting Punk to main event ‘Mania, yadda yadda yadda, and then there’s that Punk pipebomb.

Which does cause a “You sold out!” chant to start in the crowd.

Kane stops in his tracks. Considers this, with much thought. And then turns around, and very calmly say, “Get him, boys.”

Glee! 😉

Kane drops his mic (naughty, naughty – they’ve all been told not to do that!), The Shield and the Outlaws rush the ring, and while Punk is busy running around playing “Keep away”, in the background Kane rushes the ring, slithers up into it … and fuck me, that is sexy when he does it in a suit!

Then it’s chokeslamming time!

Cue red lights, Kane looking down on Punk.

Then there’s a little neck stretching … and finally he shoots his cuffs and straightens his tie and … my ovaries a’splode. That is so fuckin’ hot!

And yes, that inspiration? Well, I’ve never read more than an excerpt from Fifty Shades of Grey because, gag me with a spoon, it was awful. Plus I write much better smut than that!

Calling it Fifty Shades of Kane for now, and maybe it’ll end up on the ‘net at some point. Mostly it’s just my brain running with the exceedingly deviant images that big dominant well-dressed monster provokes! 😉

You have been warned!

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One thought on “17 January 2014: SmackDown digitals – Kane

  1. Pingback: Digitals (or lack thereof) – Kane | The Brothers of Destruction

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