The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

9 August 2013: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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Kane def. 3MB in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match

Kane sent a terrifying message of dominance by destroying 3MB in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match on SmackDown, immediately after which Bray Wyatt appeared on the TitanTron with a targeted — and creepy — message of his own for The Big Red Monster.

Addressing their upcoming Ring of Fire Match at SummerSlam, Wyatt claimed to be “already dead” and professed no fear for The Devil’s Favorite Demon.

Blink and you’ll miss it appearance – honestly? That’s all Kane is worth, even when they’re supposed to be building to a PPV match, a PPV which is one of the “big four”?

Wow. Way to be under-appreciated.

Kane 9 August 2013 – Kane vs. 3MB: Photos

Red lights mean only one thing in WWE. 😉

Well hello there sexy!

Ahhh, shoulderporn – how I’ve missed you!

I’m not sure which is worse – Kane being Rey Mysterio’s personal J.O.B. Squad, or him being thrown in against the current J.O.B. Squad.

He still looks damn good doing it, but it burns my ass he’s not getting better booking.


Yeah, you all know where I’m looking!

Damn fine!

So flexible! And yes, shoulderporn – so much shoulderporn!

So maybe the idea was to make Kane look like the upstoppable monster he used to be, by showing him beating up three guys on his own.

Would be a great idea … if the three guys weren’t 3MB, who couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag!

That said, oh man, those thighs are epic!

And then we have acres of rippling back muscles and shoulderporn and all is right with the world!

That is one lusciously fine hunk of manflesh right there!

Seeya, Jinder – thanks for playing!

Kane is in such amazing shape!

Now it’s Kane’s turn to be taunted from the Titan-tron – seriously, they really are writing this by numbers at this point. Step 1 is this, Step 2 is this … I honestly can’t tell you the last time I saw anything new or innovative in storytelling when it came to the WWE. No wonder I can’t really be bothered watching except for Kane.

If there’s one guy who can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear by being as good as he is, it’s Kane.

Mmmmm, close up. Fuzzy shoulder hairs! Suggestion of chest hair … yep, all good!

Yadda yadda yadda – why not just come out and say, “Look, here’s how it’s gonna go down – they’re gonna say stuff to one another this week. Next week they’ll interfere in one another’s matches, or do run-ins after matches. Then they’ll have a match at SummerSlam? Got it? Good! Moving on!”

But if we could have five minutes or so of alternating close ups and shots like this of Kane in the ring? Maybe doing a little flexing? Yeah, that’d be great.


Man, I miss seeing Kane on my TV! has video here – enjoy!

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