The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

5 August 2013: RAW digitals – Kane

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Howdy folks. Back after a long absence. There’s just nothing that depresses me more than not seeing Kane on my TV. But I am taking solace in the fact that See No Evil 2 has wrapped and Kane is all over my Facebook on the promotional trail after New York Comic Con recently!

So, in an attempt to get the backlog out of the way before Kane makes his return to wrestling (lord only knows what he’ll be doing, because I think right now, Raw and SmackDown are being written by the proverbial ten thousand monkeys at ten thousand typewriters. Only said monkeys are yet to reach the point where they’re turning out the works of Shakespeare …), expect a mini-deluge of posts! You’re welcome! 😉

Now, I just have to remember how I do this thing …


Luke Harper & Erick Rowan def. Tons of Funk

Can Tons of Funk get down to a little “Dueling Banjos?” The boogieing big men met their match on Monday when they stepped into action against Luke Harper & Erick Rowan of The Wyatt Family and ended up with a vicious thrashing from the backwoods brutes. Despite Brodus Clay’s attempt to save Tensai from Harper and Rowan, the Wyatt disciples overwhelmed the big men and scored a particularly brutal win.

Bray Wyatt himself, as always, went for the last word by pulverizing Brodus with his signature STO and another eerie pontification. But the preacher was denied the pleasure of a clean exit when Kane appeared on the TitanTron and issued an ominous promise to trap “The Eater of Worlds” inside a “Ring of Fire,” setting the ring posts ablaze to prove his point. Looks like anger management is out the window, then.

Crap Wrestling Writing 101: How to do a half-assed build for a PPV match – check!

-facepalm- You think it’s because they knew at this point that Kane was going to be off in Vancouver filming the movie, and had to come up with a quick way to write him off TV?

Kane 5 August 2013 – Tons of Funk v.s Luke Harper & Erick Rowan: Photos

“Wyatt watches as Kane finally addresses him.”

Red lights can only mean one thing in the WWE.

” “When you pull the wings off buzzards for fun, it becomes impossible to follow them, Bray,” Kane says. “I don’t condemn your intentions. I see through the haze of your cryptic words.” ”

I’m glad you do, Kane, because to me it’s still crap writing from 10,000 monkeys. That said, the Wyatt Family gimmick is kind catchy. Love the entrance, and man, Wyatt himself is wayyyyyy out there in the ring. (Although can’t seem to avoid injuries, which will be a drawback).

So now I’m waiting for WWE to fuck it up. Pretty much betting at this point that when Kane comes back, there’ll be no mention whatsoever of the Wyatt Family “feud”.

So desperate for a Kane sighting, I’d even take him on the Titan-tron at this point … wait, that came out all wrong! 😉

” “At SummerSlam, I’m going to show you the reason I am The Devil’s Favorite Demon,” he says, challenging Wyatt.”

Well, I know why he’s my favourite demon. Hint: it’s the tights! 😉 has video here – enjoy!

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