The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

16 August 2013: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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Kane engaged The Wyatt Family in a pre-SummerSlam free-for-all

SAN JOSE, Calif. – What started as a furious No Disqualification Rematch between Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett on the final stop before SummerSlam quickly escalated into a game of “replace the referee.” Meanwhile, Kane went to war with The Wyatt Family and The Shield was forced to deal with one of their biggest collective threats to date.

Flanked by his followers, the creepy Bray Wyatt opened SmackDown, proclaiming that this Sunday in the City of Angels, he would personally show Kane why “one man’s hell is another man’s paradise.”

Despite his chilling words, however, The Devil’s Favorite Demon chose to strike, systematically taking out Erick Rowan and Luke Harper, before focusing his attack on Wyatt himself. But, the numbers game would soon rise up against him, as The Big Red Monster was ultimately left on the canvas by his SummerSlam Ring of Fire adversary. “Follow the Buzzards!”

Kane 16 August 2013 – Kane engages the Wyatt Family in a pre-SummerSlam free-for-all: Photos

“Lit only by his eerie lantern, the menacing Bray Wyatt makes his entrance to kick off the final episode of SmackDown before SummerSlam.”

I do like that entrance!

“Flanked by his monstrous followers Erick Rowan and Luke Harper, Wyatt has words of warning for Kane, his Ring of Fire Match opponent at SummerSlam Sunday.”

Oh yeah, somewhere in the last two weeks, the match was set and it was going to be an inferno match. Woo hoo! Plus, I figured they could set Kane’s boot on fire so they could write him off TV to do See No Evil 2.

If that had happened, I would have been ordering in tinfoil. Anyone who’s read my fanfic will know why!

However, since we’re PG now on WWE, setting people on fire is a no-no. Instead, now we have a “Ring of Fire” match … which sounds to me more like what you get the morning after a seriously hot and spicy dinner! -snickering-

So yeah, let’s not do that again, huh?

“The “Eater of Worlds” says he will personally show The Big Red Monster why “one man’s hell is another man’s paradise” …

” … until Kane arrives in a blaze of hellfire!”


And because he’s a smart monster, he shows up from behind them, and grabs one of the hulking Family by the ankles! (What, I can’t tell them apart, all I know is it ain’t Bray!)

Also? Back and shoulderporn FTMFW!

And more back and shoulderporn, plus arm porn – oh yeah!

Equal opportunity beatdown – everyone gets some! (Where do I get in line to get me some?) 😉

“After taking out Rowan and Harper, Kane turns his attention to Wyatt.”

Again, where do I get in line to get some attention from Kane? I’ll even do a Bray Wyatt and welcome him with open arms and a big smile! 😉

Okay, probably not so keen on a goozle …

“When Rowan and Harper return to distract Kane, Wyatt floors The Devil’s Favorite Demon.”

With the “Sister Abigail” move. Which starts with a kiss on the forehead! (Well, in Kane’s case, a kiss on the mask.)

Homoeroticism in wrestling much? Nah, where would you get that idea? 😉

That lamb mask is creepy!

And we’ll have none of that, thank you! (Although who doesn’t love Kane flat on his back? Minus the stomping boots, of course!)

“The leader of The Wyatt Family hits the battered Kane with his devastating finishing move, and once more tells him to “follow the buzzards”.”

Proving once again that quality control is something that happens to other people’s websites, the digitals are out of order. Again.

But that whole “follow the buzzards” thing – there’s got to be buzzards in Death Valley, right? Where a certain Deadman hails from? That would be very cool!

Kane. Flat on his back. No stomping boots. Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking ’bout! 😉

“Will the result be the same on Sunday when Wyatt and Kane meet inside a Ring of Fire?”

Well duh. Crappy Wrestling Writing 101: always foreshadow the finish for the PPV match beforehand. Because you know wrestling fans are dumber than housebricks and won’t understand the match result otherwise. Man, I hate being lumped in with the 85% of fans who dip in and out, or who really are dumber than housebricks, for whom the product must be dumbed down. has video here – enjoy!

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