The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

28 June 2013: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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Randy Orton def. Kane

After making Randy Orton tap out in a furious Street Fight on Raw, Daniel Bryan offered Kane his help – whether he wanted it or not – in The Big Red Monster’s SmackDown contest against The Viper.

Later, Bryan joined the SmackDown announce team, as two of his fellow Money in the Bank All-Star combatants battled it out. In the final moments, after the action spilled outside the ring and Orton managed to make his way back through the ropes, Bryan chose to make good on his earlier offer.

As Kane was still recollecting himself, the submission specialist “helped” the still-reeling Devil’s Favorite Demon into the ring and the waiting RKO from WWE’s Apex Predator. After Orton got the three-count, Bryan headed up the ramp with the hint of a smile on his face.

And again, before the match, you have to check out the backstage bit where DBryan offers Kane his help.

Because that’s just porn-eriffic! Mostly because you can see Kane’s unshaven chest hairs. Well, you can on my big screen TV! 😉

And that’s just all kinds of hot! That plus all that lovely skin. And the audio porn. And yeah, just … everything!


Oh yeah, the digitals! This way!

Kane 28 June 2013 – Randy Orton vs. Kane: Photos

Ohhh, the dark brooding monster – me likes!

-mad snickering fit-

Okay, so the next digital isn’t of Kane, but I have to include it because … well, Alex will know why!

It reminded me of this!

Which I immediately reposted to my Facebook, because hello? Cat doing an RKO impersonation! 😉


The wickedly funny Brendon Burns was tweeting along with SmackDown this week, and came up with this gem concerning Randy:

Brendon Burns @brendonburns
Sir! You are so bizarrely orange I can’t tell if the fire has gone out or not


Man, these two always have great matches!

And another diving clothesline! Now with added rippling muscles! -drools-

Oh and we had growling! I think it was with this hold, Kane growling at the ref to “Ask him!”

I loves me some growling!

This one actually gives me shivers! It’s such a … calmly adjusting my glove here, before I take Randy Orton limb from limb, yanno?

Plus, fuzzy forearm hairs!

Ooh, Randall was on my shit list for this! That whole “move around the guy and stomp all his extremities”! Bad Randall!

Hel-lo baby!

Camera angle WIN!


Oh this is where Kane was growling for Mike Chioda to “Ask him!” Cos Kane had that Vulcan neck pinch really locked in there!

[/nerd moment]


Plus, awesome shoulderpornage!

Dropkick to the face! Yes!

And more shoulderpornage!

-snickering- DBryan up on the announce table, with the “Yes!” chants for Kane!

Randy’s adding moves to his repertoire – classic Lou Thesz press here! (After he told a reporter people shouldn’t criticise John Cena’s “five moves of doom” because “I only have about four myself.”)


But shoulderporn!

I do love that scoop slam of Randy’s!

Not so much when he’s using it on Kane …

Also not such a fan of the hangman DDT when it’s on Kane. Although, bonus points for inverted shoulderporn!

Whoa! Rattled Randy’s teeth with that one!

Sidewalk slam!

Oh baby …

Oh baby


Yeah, three guesses where I’m looking and the first two don’t count.

What chokeslam?

-fans self-

Brawling outside the ring!

Man, Kane’s shoulders …


Another angle on the shoulderporn and back muscles – lord have mercy!

Now pardon me for pointing this out, but Kane didn’t appear to need help to get back into the ring at this point. Being as he was, you know, upright and moving under his own steam at the time.

This does not count as not being upright. This is just a generous helping of purely fucking awesome shoulderporn!

Which leaves me a little lightheaded!

Say what?

Weird ass camera angle! And hello? How helpful did that look, on a scale where 1 is not at all helpful and 10 is I couldn’t have done it without you! 😉

Let’s just take a look at that from our patented shoulderporn camera! 😉

Right into an RKO – nuts!

Yeah, yeah, Randy doing the “Fuck you, I am cat” in the background, but get a load of the big luscious hunk of manflesh on his back in the foreground!

And yeah, you know where I’m looking!

Awww, confused Kane is adorkable! has match video here – enjoy!

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