The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

27 May 2013: RAW digitals – Kane

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U.S. Champion Dean Ambrose def. Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kingston’s rematch with Dean Ambrose for the U.S. Championship fell victim to the Law of Long on SmackDown last week and turned into a Tag Team Match, but as it turns out, a little patience goes a long way. Given that the rematch never reached its proper conclusion, The Dreadlocked Dynamo got a mulligan on Raw, laying down a Memorial Day challenge for the star-spangled title that sadly went the same way as his last dance with the Cincinnati madman.

Kingston came out swinging all the same, sending Ambrose scampering from the ring and following it up with a flurry of offense that kept the erratic grappler on the defensive for the entire bout. A well-timed trip-up by Ambrose sent Kofi face-first into the steel steps and turned the tables instantly; a standing bulldog later and it was all she wrote … although Team Hell No’s sudden entrance for their Tag Title Match ensured The Shield would get no respite from their former foes just yet.

Kane 27 May 2013 – Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose – United States Championship Match: Photos

Eager to get into it!

Video of the closing stages here on


WWE Tag Team Champions The Shield def. Team Hell No

Make it a clean sweep for The Shield after Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns followed Dean Ambrose’s example, successfully defending their WWE Tag Team Championships against Team Hell No. And it appears that would-be “weak link” Bryan used the duo’s two-week respite well: He was anything but inept during his and Kane’s attempts to reclaim their twin titles (although his recklessness nearly cost them the bout via DQ), taking control of the bout and nearly tearing both Shield members apart singlehandedly.

But it was still Bryan who inadvertently caused his team’s loss when he refused to remain in Kane’s corner for the sake of attacking Reigns on the outside. The chaos lowered The Big Red Monster’s defenses long enough for Rollins to clock him with a flying knee and cover Kane for three, sending Team Hell No to the back of the line for the first time in a long time.

But before the match, there was DBryan, backstage, ranting about being “the weak link”. And Kane once again attempting to be the voice of reason … until Bret Hart arrives. Seriously wonderful stuff here, including the line, “You’re just … Kane!”

Kane 27 May 2013 – Team Hell No vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns – WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Photos

Can we just agree now that this was a total waste of a PPV quality match? What on earth possessed them to give it away for free on Raw?

I suspect they were looking for a jump in ratings, but apparently, that didn’t work – worst Raw ratings in months.

Roman Reigns making the tactical error of talking smack to Kane – and about to get the shit beaten out of him!

Also? During the backstage segment with DBryan and Bret Hart, I noticed two things that are hard to pick up in a match.

One – Kane’s not shaving his chest. That is just fuckin’ hot!

Two? Kane’s hair is getting pretty long under his weave. Definite ponytail length now. Also fuckin’ hot!


And more noticeable in match situations than backstage – Kane’s got a superlatively beautiful ass.

Rollins is on my shit list for that kick, but holy crap, shoulderporn!

Fuzzy forearm hairs + shoulderporn = drool-related incidents. I’m just sayin’ is all.

Goddamn, those shoulders are just awesome!

Chest + shoulderporn … well, you know!

You know, when I watched this match, I wished for a better camera angle on this pin.

This probably wasn’t it!

Holy crap, my eyes!

Although, man, Kane’s flexible, isn’t he? -snickering- has match video here – enjoy!

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