The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

19 May 2013: Extreme Rules digitals – Kane

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The Shield def. WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No (Tornado Tag Team Match) BY Kevin Powers

ST. LOUIS — At WWE Extreme Rules, The Shield proved that they thrive in chaos and that their unorthodox style is arguably the most dominant force in WWE. Riding the momentum of Dean Ambrose’s United States Title victory earlier in the evening, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns defeated Team Hell No in a Tornado Tag Team Match to capture the WWE Tag Team Championships.

A throwback to the formative years of tag team competition, tornado rules promotes the very type of anarchy that has come to define The Shield. The argument can be made that the Tornado Tag Team Match stipulation played in favor of “The Hounds of Justice” — all four competitors are in the ring at once, allowing for the unorthodox intensity of Reigns and Rollins to flourish unchecked. Although the experience and chemistry of Daniel Bryan and Kane has no doubt attributed to their success, The Shield has dictated the where, when and how their actions will affect those who oppose them.

Inside the Scottrade Center, Kane and Daniel Bryan wasted no time taking a fast-paced offense straight to Reigns and Rollins. But the true nature of the contest soon surfaced, allowing Rollins and Reigns to shift their attention back and forth between The Big Red Monster and Bryan. Fighting back, the WWE Tag Team Champions displayed the type of teamwork that has bred their success and nearly ended the black-clad duo’s momentum.

However, the method to the madness of Reigns and Rollins allowed them to throw Kane from the ring before delivering the final strike to Bryan. With the match rules allowing unchecked double teaming, The Shield proved to be the dominant duo in St. Louis.

Since their debut at Survivor Series 2012, the treacherous trio has been virtually unstoppable. History will look back on Extreme Rules 2013 as an evening that belonged to The Shield. Earning their first taste of WWE championship glory, there may indeed be no stopping the brand of justice wrought by Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns.

Well fuck. May 19 turns out to be unlucky again for Kane.

Kane 19 May 2013 – Team Hell No v.s The Shield – WWE Tag Team Championship Tornado Match: Photos

“Kane and Daniel Bryan prepare to defend their WWE Tag Team Titles against The Shield.”

This match will feature Kane as The Ghost Rider! -snickering- New camera angle, please!

This is probably the most awesome double team move in history, and I don’t know why that’s not something they’re saying on commentary constantly – probably because it’s not juvenile and pandering to the lowest common denominator.

But the combo of surfboard submission, super quick tag and Kane with the low drop kick really is awesome!

Also? Kane’s got a great ass.

Just putting that out there.


“Reigns and Rollins display their chaotic style of teamwork at Kane’s expense.”


But hey, shoulderporn! Plus I like the back of Kane’s neck …

“Team Hell No displays the type pf teamwork that earned them the WWE Tag Team Titles.”

More shoulderporn from Kane – best part of any match!

Lord have mercy, the shoulderporn!

“The momentum seems to be going the champions’ way … ”

Diving goat headbutt! With Kane cheering him on!

” … but it won’t last.”


Plus I now have to urge to slap John Deere across Kane’s ass and ride him up and down the lawn … [/random Nickeback song reference]

And then it’s all over. -sigh-

As per usual, being a PPV, there’s no match video, but there is this segment from backstage.

Which is a minute and a half of Kane, all pumped up and glowing after the match, and somehow seeming even more half-naked than usual. Being the voice of reason!

Plus, that big gloved hand on the back of DBryan’s neck, trying to calm him down, is just so . . . awwwww!

(Please don’t tell me about how the slashers ‘ship these two, because that is a criminal waste of perfectly good white boys!)

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