The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

3 May 13: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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Following The Shield’s backstage assault on Daniel Bryan, ‘The Hounds of Justice’ and Kane prepared for hell

Before Dean Ambrose would battle Kane in the SmackDown main event, the treacherous trio promised that, like his legendary brother The Undertaker, Kane would suffer their wrath. “The Hounds of Justice” then revealed that the Superstar they had attacked moments earlier was none other than Daniel Bryan!

After WWE personnel moved the war-torn Superstar to receive medical attention, The Devil’s Favorite Demon addressed the situation. While he acknowledged that it was inevitable that he would be taken down by the numbers disadvantage, Kane said he planned on doing major damage before that occurred. He made it clear that, without question, SmackDown’s final match of the night would not just be a war. Instead, he said, they were all going to hell.

No video on but the brief moment backstage, when Kane comes out of the trainer’s room and tells Matt Striker just what he’s walking into with The Shield? The roster should have been taking notes – that’s how you give an “interview” and tell a damn story!


The Shield strikes again as Dean Ambrose def. Kane

Fired up to seize retribution on The Shield for their attacks on The Undertaker and Daniel Bryan, Kane set out to take “The Hounds of Justice” to hell. And as the monstrous competitor took out both Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins earlier on, it looked like he might get what he came for.

But when his Phenom-esque Tombstone attempt on Ambrose drew additional contact with Reigns and Rollins, things started coming apart at the seams — eventually leading to Ambrose picking up the victory!

Although the match was over, the determined Kane was not. The Big Red Monster challenged Ambrose and his two cohorts to get back in the ring, setting off a fierce brawl that ended in the masked Superstar getting Triple Powerbombed. With The Devil’s Favorite Demon down, the imposing Shield stood over him with the WWE Tag Team Champions held high.

Kane 3 May 2013 – Kane vs. Dean Ambrose: Photos

“After a brutal assault on The Undertaker last week, The Shield emerges with Daniel Bryan’s WWE Tag Team Title … ”

” … and Dean Ambrose prepares to face The Phenom’s brother Kane in a battle of retribution.”

Shoulderporn and red lighting … mmmmm!

Also, I’m glad they’re now consistently referring to ‘Taker and Kane as brothers. There was a while there when it was never even mentioned, even when they were working the same show.

And holy hells, this match was just wall-to-wall shoulderporn!

I also loved how it even started much as ‘Taker’s match had against Ambrose – well, aside from Kane pre-emptively evening up the score by taking out Rollins and Reigns first. I’m talking about Kane grabbing Ambrose and throwing him into the corner before beating the snot out of him!


“Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns watch their fellow “Hound of Justice” compete against one of WWE’s most respected, feared and tenured Superstars.”

That one sentence says a lot. I heard someone on commentary say, and I’m damned if I can remember when, but it was recently, that Kane has competed in more matches than anyone else. Not sure if that’s just current roster, or ever – but it’s a hell of an achievement! Also considering he’s still working pretty much a full time schedule!

-giggling- Time to change up the weave on the mask, methinks! Kane’s all-too-ginger roots are showing a bit much now!

Also, call me crazy, but that shiny design on Kane’s tights, under the flames? Now I thought it was an urn, paying respect to Paul Bearer but this photo? Swear to god, that looks almost like Paul’s face!

Then again, maybe I’ve just been blinded by the acres of shoulderporn going on!

“The Devil’s Favorite Demon hits The Shield’s most erratic and unpredictable member with a boot to the face to send the action to ringside.”

The combination of that gorgeous ass and the back and shoulderporn should honestly come with a warning!

SweetMotherOfGod!! The chest porn!! The rippling shoulder muscles!!

The announce table getting some two nights in a row, while JBL rescues his hat in the background!

“Ambrose proves that his back-and-forth match against The Undertaker last week was no fluke, as he fights tooth-and-nail against his enormous opponent.”


Given some of the camera angles while Ambrose was working Kane’s knee here (and damnit, I still wince anytime goes near that knee, because that’s the one he wears the brace on and I worry!), “enormous” is so very descriptive in more ways than one! Wave to the gay cameraman, everyone – let’s take Pats up on her suggestion and buy him some new shoes!


Hel-lo! That man knows a thing or two about filling out a pair of tights!

-fans self-

And now we’re back to acres of shoulderporn – this match certainly delivered!

“The ‘Hound of Justice’ plants Kane to the canvas and gets the cover for a hard-fought and hugely impressive win.”

Say what now? I think all of this shoulderporn is making me deaf …

There was a camera angle on this pin that could have turned straight men gay, I’m telling you!

Good lord almighty, that boy’s packing!

“After the match, Kane challenges The Shield and, like so many Superstars before him, he falls to The Shield’s numbers game.”

Oh, that challenge was a complete homage to ‘Taker, too! Unwise, but sweet! 😉

“Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins hit a devastating Triple Powerbomb on The Big Red Monster.”

All those rippling back muscles . . . I feel faint!

BTW, not as impressed with the Triple Powerbomb as I’m sure WWE would like me to be – the fact that it takes three guys to do a move that ‘Taker, Kane, Bubba Dudley and Batista could manage on their own? Yeah, not drinking that Koolaid, kthnx.

Of course, Kane did need a little coaching before he got the Last Ride down pat – if you haven’t seen this video, well, just watch and giggle! 😉

But yeah, The Shield laid Kane out and took his title belt too.

Leaving us with that great big luscious hunk of manflesh and about seventy different camera angles for us to appreciate that shoulderporn!

“The Shield hoist the WWE Tag Team Titles in the air to end a thrilling episode of SmackDown. Is Team Hell No’s reign nearing a violent end?”

I dunno – usually when they foreshadow something this much, it never ends up happening that way.

I personally would like to see ‘Taker come back to team with Hell No and teach The Shield a lesson! But that’s just me being a greedy little Brothers of Destruction fanbrat! 😉 has video here – kicking off with Kane landing a big diving clotheline!

Then there’s Kane bent over at the ropes, just showing off those shoulders – lord have mercy!

Kane signals for a Tombstone, but doesn’t get to land it, instead kicking Rollin’s head off and then being tipped over the top rope by Ambrose – which looks enough like Kane’s cocky flip over the top rope ring exit for me to be a happy camper! 😉

Kane then hauls Ambrose out by the ankle, and when Reigns goes to interfere, he gets bounced off the announce table and hurled into the steel steps!

Ambrose hits the DDT – and hey, kudos for Kane being flexible and athletic enough to make that work! – and gets the pin around 1:45 … featuring those “turn a straight guy gay” camera angles! 😉

The beat down isn’t pretty (and they cut the bit where Kane’s challenging them just like #BIGBRO!), but the better part of the last minute of the video is different camera angles on Kane’s pornographically luscious shoulders.

Which is pretty. And hot.

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