The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

4 February 2013: RAW digitals – Kane

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Well, Booker T wanted to see the best of his potential Elimination Chamber participants, and Daniel Bryan certainly delivered in a one-on-one contest with Rey Mysterio that the submission technician clinched without the help or presence of his partner, Kane. While friction between Team Hell No led Bryan to demand Kane remain in the locker room area, it appeared the former World Champion had no problem venting his frustration on The Master of the 619.

Yep, figured this was how it was gonna start going down. DBryan splits from Kane and gets a win . . .

Again, from

Sheamus def. WWE Tag Team Champion Kane

With partners like this, who needs opponents? Daniel Bryan was evidently so insulted by Kane’s refusal to help him evade Mark Henry that he went and paid The Big Red Monster back the only way he knew how: costing him a match against Sheamus.

With Kane’s spot in the Elimination Chamber potentially up for grabs, The Devil’s Favorite Demon certainly wasted no time in his game plan against The Celtic Warrior. Kane matched Sheamus blow-for-blow, powering out of the forearm clubs and catching the Brogue Kick, but Sheamus answered right back by hauling Kane up for the Irish Curse and wiggling out of the Tombstone. Kane fought his way back into control with a monstrous DDT, but right as he was about to strike with the Chokeslam, Bryan made his move. The submission expert sprinted down to the apron, distracting Kane and turning his partner’s attention from the task at hand. Bryan’s presence momentarily drove Kane into a rage and ultimately spelled his doom, giving Sheamus an opening to plant a Brogue Kick on the demon’s masked mug only moments later.

. . . and Kane ends up being handed a loss as a result of DBryan’s interference.

Now, smart money should say that Kane would see that this anger management shit is the root of the problem, chuck that shit out and go back to being a monster. I have the unfortunate feeling that won’t be the case.

Let’s face it, “smart” and Creative aren’t two words known for going together around the WWE.

Oh well, guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Kane 4 February 2013 – Sheamus vs. Kane: Photos

I am reliably informed by Pats that there was an “epicly epic #HummerAngle” tonight. Which is just the kind of breaking news she can be relied upon to deliver!

But yes, pyros before the match do tend on balance not to bode well.

But oh my, shoulderporn a-plenty!

Kudos to Sheamus for getting a guy as big as Kane up for the Irish Curse backbreaker though! Even then, Kane delivers on the shoulderporn – it’s a gift, I tell you!

-snickering- Sheamus is the only man on the roster who makes Kane look like he’s sporting a ten day tropical vacation tan!

Don’t mind me though, I’ll just be over here hyperventilating at the little fuzzy hairs on Kane’s forearm . . .

Oh dear. Now that’s an unfortunate camera angle for Sheamus.

But an excellent one for appreciating Kane’s legs!

Bless them, they really are beating lumps out of one another!

“Not so fast there, boyo – we’ll be having none of that brogue kicking!”

Sheamus looks appropriately terrified!

Another power move from Sheamus with White Noise, made even more spectacular by Kane’s ass . . . err, I mean, by lifting Kane up to get him into it. That’s right.

Move along, nothing more to see here!


That’s it baby, lay an ass-whupping on him! 😉

DBryan shows up and I include this photo only for the little fuzzy hairs on Kane’s forearm. And that one big naked paw . . .

Shup – I likes what I likes!


So Team Hell No are bickering and whoa baby, there’s freakin’ acres of shoulderporn up there on the ‘Tron!!!

Said bickering means this Brogue Kick is gonna connect . . . ow!

Guessing this means Kane’s not gonna be in the Elimination Chamber match . . . has video here – enjoy!

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