The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

18 January 2013: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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Randy Orton & WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett & Team Rhodes Scholars in a Six-Man Tag Match

Two days after Randy Orton was attacked by The Shield during his match against U.S. Champion Antonio Cesaro on WWE Main Event, The Viper joined forces with Team Hell No to take on Wade Barrett & Team Rhodes Scholars on SmackDown.

With their WWE Tag Team Title Match at Royal Rumble looming, there was certainly bad blood between Team Hell No and Team Rhodes Scholars, made worse by Damien Sandow & Cody Rhodes making an unwelcome appearance Monday night during the champions’ therapy session with Dr. Shelby.

Chaotic action was par for the course in the six-man tag bout from the start. And when Rhodes hit Cross Rhodes on WWE’s Apex Predator, the end seemed near. But after Kane was able to break-up the three-count, Orton rallied. The Viper coiled, unleashing a ring-shaking RKO to Sandow to send Orton & Team Hell No on to a huge victory.

After their win, Orton found himself in the middle of a (not-so-voluntary) group hug with Kane & Daniel Bryan — all part of Team Hell No’s road to recovery.

-snickerfit- And of course there was the pre-match bit backstage, where Kane and DBryan did some more “working through their anger issues” . . . or as Randy Orton put it, “acted like two year olds”. And given the choice between acting like two years olds and inflicting some serious pain, Kane declared he wanted “Both!”

If you’re viewing online, seriously, find someone who’s uploaded the whole ep so you get to see the pre- and post-match hilarity!

Kane 18 January 2013 – Randy Orton & Team Hell No vs. Wade Barrett & Team Rhodes Scholars: Photos

Working like a well-oiled machine to kick things off!

Okay, not so much of a fan of Wade Barrett whaling the hell out of Kane!

Didn’t take long for Kane to roar back into action, knocking both Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes off the apron before giving Wade a big boot in the guts!

Then it was Sandow’s turn to whale on Kane . . . grrrrr

Then Cody had to get in on the action . . . double grrrrr!

What we don’t get to see was Cody trying to horn in with a leap off the top rope . . . and Kane catching him with a beautiful uppercut as he landed! As JBL on commentary said, “That’ll knock the moustache clean off his face!”

Then, as per the cookie cutter recipe for a six man tag, there was interference all over the place, including Kane turfing Cody over the top rope.

And providing some absolutely spectacular shoulderporn as he does!

He unfortunately ended up going over the top rope himself moments later, at the hands of Sandow. Who, for his efforts, got an RKO and a pin for Randy to pick up the win!

And then, things got truly crack-filled!

As DBryan had promised before the match, first they’d beat Team Rhodes Scholars and Wade Barrett, and then there’d be a group hug! To which Randy responded, “I’m not really the hugging kind.”

DBryan just grinned and said, “Not yet!”

So after the match, DBryan’s there, offering Randy a hug, and he’s shaking his head, and saying to DBryan, “No, no hug.”

And then Randy turned around, and came face to face with the Big Red Monster . . .

. . . who wasn’t about to take “No thanks” for an answer!

-mad snickering- So Kane swamps Randy in a big hug, and then DBryan’s there from the other side, hugging the stuffing out of him. And Randy’s . . . yeah. Not a hugger!

-giggling- Okay, is it just me, or does DBryan look like he’s enjoying this a little bit too much? 😉 has video here, picking up the latter stages of the match and then, yes, from around 1:40, it’s all about that group hug!

Check out 1:50 or so for the attack of the Big Red Hug Monster!!

And seriously, the look on Randy’s face is priceless!

The video does cut out before the end of the fun though, including Randy climbing to the second turnbuckle, and instead of throwing his arms wide? There’s a bemused smile and a big shrug! I also suspect that he was trying very very hard not to laugh afterwards!

And Kane gives this rather exhuberant fist pump that has to be seen to be believed – bless him, he’s having so much fun!

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