The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

18 December 2012: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston & WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. Wade Barrett and The Prime Time Players

Rebounding from a vicious post-match assault at the hands of Wade Barrett on Raw, Kofi Kingston teamed with Team Hell No to take on The Barrett Barrage & The Prime Time Players. But before heading into action, the determined “Wildcat” joined Kane and a very upset Daniel Bryan in discussing The Shield, The Slammys and WWE Hall of Famer “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair.

The match that followed was heated from the start, with emotions running extremely high after the fevered events of WWE TLC and Raw. Once all order broke down, Titus O’Neil & Darren Young tried to use a numbers advantage against The Big Red Monster. As the swaggering duo prepared to spring on Kane, Bryan tripped O’Neil, leaving Young alone with the masked monster. Moments later, Kane secured victory for his team by hitting a towering Chokeslam for the three-count.

Kane 18 December 2012 – Kofi Kingston & Team Hell No vs. Wade Barrett & The Prime Time Players: Photos

Wow, looking serious there!

Nice double-team move there, combining a submission leg hold and that wicked drop kick of Kane’s. Now that they’re getting these kinds of moves happening, you know Creative’s going to split them up, right?

Knocks Wade Barrett almost out of his boots, and we get some lovely shoulderporn – excellent!

So now the not-black-John-Cena dude from Prime Time Players, hits Kane from behind. Can someone tell me why he’s prone to doing those weird “Ooog, oog, oog” noises? I mean, if it were “Oook, ook, ook” I’d know he was the librarian from the Unseen University, but that seems . . . implausible.

-snickering- I’d say this is a great shot of Kane getting his leg over, but that’s got a whole ‘nother meaning down under, and certainly not what I want to convey! How about, Kane going for the pinfall? That’s better!

And yay, lookit that! Another win! And they didn’t need Ryback to do it . . . they just needed Kofi.

What is it with these six man tag matches lately? Giving the guys a lighter program going into Christmas, maybe? I understand they pre-taped both Raw and SmackDown for next week already, so maybe it was about conserving the guys to get through four TV tapings in a week. has video of the match here – enjoy!

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