The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

29 October 2012: RAW digitals – Kane

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WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. The Prime Time Players

Still riling after their loss to Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara at WWE Hell in a Cell, the red-hot Primetime Player stepped up to WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No with more swagger than a Snoop Dogg album. As the disparate personalities of Daniel Bryan & Kane struggled to work as a unit, the powerful pair of Darren Young & Titus O’Neil found success early, but they ultimately fell to the demented duo after Bryan tagged himself into action and applied the excruciating “No! Lock” to a helpless Young.

Wow. So Kane and DBryan go from championship match at Hell in a Cell to this?

It’s just like I told my best chica – Creative have shot their load, rolled over and started snoring. Leaving us to sleep in the wet patch.

It’s hardly surprising. Bastards.

Kane 29 October 2012 – Team Hell No vs. The Prime Time Players: Photos

Nice to see Kane still with the belt. Shiny!

He doesn’t exactly look like a happy psychopath, though.

Luscious, yes – happy? No, not so much.

Oh, now I get it – he’s just offended by The Prime Time Players in their pink and white outfits. I mean, all for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure thing but . . . no. Just . . . no.

Okay, so there’s all of 12 digitals for this match. Most of them are of DBryan and The Prime Time Players.

This would be the point in the proceedings where I begin to distrust Creative’s ability to even sit the right way on a toilet.

That said – diving clothesline! Squeee!

And HolyMaryMotherOfGod, that’s some damn fine shoulderporn, with forearm action thrown in!

-le sigh- That man simply has the most stupendous shoulders.

And the rest of him ain’t bad either! 😉

This match was so crucially important, that it took me five minutes of searching on even to find it! It’s here. (And colour me stupid, I could have saved myself that work by remembering that the videograb on the results page acts as a link to the video . . . I blame my advancing age for this!)


CM Punk and Mick Foley revealed their Survivor Series teams

WWE Champion CM Punk barely escaped WWE Hell in a Cell with his coveted title, but the “WWE ‘13” cover boy was unabashed as he allowed his slimy associate, Paul Heyman, to reveal his squad for his Survivor Series bout against Mick Foley’s group. Taking a twisted pleasure in rattling off the roster, Heyman introduced The Miz, Team Rhodes Scholars and Alberto Del Rio with the confidence of a man with victory already in his grasps.

Undeterred, former WWE Champion Mick Foley hit the ring and introduced a squad that would not be intimidated by Punk’s rogues gallery. In short order, The Hardcore Legend welcomed Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston, WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No and the unpredictable Randy Orton into his company. As if that wasn’t enough, Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy thrilled the WWE fans when he revealed the final member of his team — none other than the wrecking machine known as Ryback.

Clearly rattled, the WWE Champion headed for the hills as his Survivor Series squad got dismantled by Foley’s team. The Straight Edge Savior could run, but come Nov. 18, 2012, he can no longer hide.

[tangent] This would be where I squee about how I’ve got tickets to the meet and greet with Mick Foley before seeing his comedy show in February next year! So excited to get the chance to meet Mrs Foley’s baby boy Mick so I can tell him how much I enjoyed all his books! [/tangent]

Kane 29 October 2012 – The Team Foley and Team Punk members are revealed for Survivor Series: Photos

“Mick Foley returns to the ring to announce the members of his Survivor Series team.”

“A man doesn’t disrespect the legacy of Hell in a Cell by enlisting the talents of a crooked referee,” Foley says to Punk.

“Team Hell No will join Team Foley at Survivor Series.”

Thus cementing their status as babyfaces! 😉

Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston and Randy Orton will also be on Team Foley.”

Man, Randy’s a face too? This is some weird bizarro-world of WWE! 😉

“The final member of the team is Ryback!”

Ewww. So long as he’s got that raging case of pink eye under control . . . yuck.

“The announcement of the teams turns into a melee in the ring.”

Well duh!

“Will Team Foley put a stop to WWE Champion CM Punk and his team at Survivor Series?”

This photo amuses me! You’ll notice Kane’s not so much into the hand shaking and smiling – more like still prowling for trouble! has the video here.

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