The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

5 October 2012: SmackDown digitals – Kane

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5 October 2012


WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. Alberto Del Rio & David Otunga

Requesting time to speak to the WWE Universe, David Otunga addressed last week’s attack by Alberto Del Rio on Randy Orton after SmackDown went off the air. The post-show assault had served as a follow-up to an earlier attack by The Mexican Aristocrat that same night, resulting in his helping to cost Orton his chance to become No. 1 contender to the World Title at WWE Hell in a Cell. Otunga thanked Del Rio for his actions, before being interrupted by The Viper’s music.

However, instead of Orton, it turned out to be Del Rio himself, mocking and humiliating the absent Apex Predator with his best Viper impression. As the Mexican Superstar gloated that he was “the new Apex Predator of the WWE,” GM Booker T emerged. He ruled that since Orton was not there, Del Rio & Otunga’s schedule was freed up enough to face WWE Tag Team Champion, Team Hell No!

In the heated tag team match that followed, Kane hit the Chokeslam on Otunga. But, before he could go for the pin, Bryan tagged himself in, delivering a headbutt off the top rope to pick up the win — an action that once again allowed the submission specialist to steal the glory away from his dangerous tag team partner. As the smoke cleared, Team Hell No was left screaming at each other, “I am the Tag Team Champions.”

Requesting time to speak to the WWE Universe, David Otunga addressed last week’s attack by Alberto Del Rio on Randy Orton after SmackDown went off the air. (WATCH) The post-show assault had served as a follow-up to an earlier attack by The Mexican Aristocrat that same night, resulting in his helping to cost Orton his chance to become No. 1 contender to the World Title at WWE Hell in a Cell. Otunga thanked Del Rio for his actions, before being interrupted by The Viper’s music.

However, instead of Orton, it turned out to be Del Rio himself, mocking and humiliating the absent Apex Predator with his best Viper impression. As the Mexican Superstar gloated that he was “the new Apex Predator of the WWE,” GM Booker T emerged. He ruled that since Orton was not there, Del Rio & Otunga’s schedule was freed up enough to face WWE Tag Team Champion, Team Hell No!

In the heated tag team match that followed, Kane hit the Chokeslam on Otunga. But, before he could go for the pin, Bryan tagged himself in, delivering a headbutt off the top rope to pick up the win — an action that once again allowed the submission specialist to steal the glory away from his dangerous tag team partner. As the smoke cleared, Team Hell No was left screaming at each other, “I am the Tag Team Champions.”

Kane 5 October 2012 – WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No v.s Alberto Del Rio & David Otunga: Photos

” . . . They will face Tag Team Champions, Team Hell No!”

That’s what you get for mocking the Viper, Bertie! (Man, gonna miss Sheamus calling him that while they’re feuding!)

And hel-lo Kane!

Diving clothesline – yay!

Also, shoulderporn!

Sidewalk slam!  Looooong legs! 😉

“Kane plants Otunga with a Chokeslam!”

Yes, he does!

“Not to be outdone, Bryan tags himself in and hits Otunga with a headbutt off the top rope.”

I dunno about Kane, but that’d piss me off!

(Only included this one for Kane’s legs as he’s laying in the corner – loving me the long legs, yanno?)

Oh man, slap that smug look off his goatface, Kane!

-mad giggling- Did you hear during the match, Kane on the apron, calling out, “Come on, goatface!”  -DIES!-

Also?  Nice ass 😉

“I am the Tag Team Champions!”

Seriously, a guy that big gets in your face with a yell like that?  Only proves DBryan’s unstable for arguing back!

And mmmmm, shoulderporn!
Bit light on with the digitals – but hey, two doses of Kane in one week?  I’ll take it! 😉 has video here – enjoy!

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