The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

24 September 2012: RAW digitals – Kane

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Kane & Daniel Bryan underwent further therapy exercises in a diner

Kane & Daniel Bryan undergoing role play therapy in a diner with Dr. Shelby supervising them.

Now that we have your attention, allow us to explain the good doctor’s latest tactic in bringing together the tumultuous Tag Team Champions, which involved Kane & Bryan breaking bread together at a local diner. Hoping to illustrate that Bryan and Kane could coexist outside of a competitive environment, Shelby orchestrated an elaborate role play where Kane, assuming the role of Gerald the friendly waiter, attempted to serve the “No!” man his meal. Suffice it to say, it did not go well, and vivid imagery of a man being dunked into the deep-fryer by his goat beard filled the heads of every patron in the establishment.

Hysterical video number 1, here!

Things improved slightly, however, when the two bonded over their dismantling of the tag team division the previous Friday on SmackDown. Even Mae Young was feeling the love as the two ecstatically re-enacted their opponents’ cries of pain as Kane & Bryan battered them about with chairs.

Hysterical video number two here!!

For the final “coup de grace,” however, Shelby endeavored to employ “identity therapy” by having Kane eat a bite of salad, while Bryan tried a meatball in an effort to “walk a mile in the other’s shoes.” Predictably, this ended poorly as well: Kane’s bite of lettuce provoked him to unleash a violent belch in Shelby’s face. Bryan got the worst of the exchange, howver, as the meatball provided such a shock to his system that the “No!” man violently upheaved into a speechless Shelby’s lap. And for the second time in as many weeks, Kane smiled.

And the final hysterical video is here!

I swear, those vids nearly killed me, I was laughing so much!

Again from

Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow attacked Team Hell No

Once again, the WWE Universe has spoken. Left to decide the official team name of Kane & Daniel Bryan via a RAWactive vote, the Universe spoke en masse and christened the bickering bros “Team Hell No” (in second place? “Team Friendship,” and oh, what might have been). No sooner had the moniker been unveiled, though, that Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow stormed the ring, stunning the Tag Team Champions and debuting a name of their own: “Team Rhodes Scholars.” The Rhodes Scholars didn’t stop there, however, seemingly laying down a challenge for Hell No’s Tag Team Titles. It would appear that chair attack from SmackDown has not been forgotten.

Kane 24 September 2012 – RAWActive: Kane & Daniel Bryan form Team Hell No

“WWE Tag Team Champion Kane makes another fiery entrance.”

Looking damn fine but how come he’s not wearing the big shiny package enhancer . . . errr, title belt? 😉

Amused! Apparently DBryan don’t like the ring pyros – lookit him in the background with his hands over his ears!

Also, lookit how damn sexy Kane is!

“Michael Cole is ready to announce the results of the RAWActive poll.”

I can once again see WWE staffers madly tweeting the “correct” answer to make sure they got the “right” result!

@TheMattFowler had an even better suggestion – he reckoned “The Brothers of Dysfunction” was a winner! I had to agree!

“The WWE Universe has voted, and Bryan & Kane’s new nickname is “Team Hell No”.”

It’s Hell No by a country mile! Actually, that’s probably a tough gig – tallying the hashtags, and getting the ring-ins tweeting just enough to make it look like there were some other people voting but making sure the right one wins.

If I were in a position to actually take part in RAWActive, man, I’d seriously want to fuck with them by tweeting the shit out of the obvious “wrong” choice hashtag! But that’s just me! 😉

Shoulderporn and magnificent thighs – need I say more? 😉

“Before Bryan & Kane could hug it out, Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes interrupt.”

My bad, I haven’t actually seen this whole segment yet, but aw – disappointed at no hugging! 😉

What the fuckety-fuck? WWE goes from having no goddamn tag team division to pulling new teams out of its ass on a weekly basis? Does this mean Vince has finally gotten over his hatred of tag teams? Or has someone worked out this is a way to use the vast majority of un-used talent they have in a holding pattern backstage every week?

“The WWE Tag Team Champions are left stunned in the ring.”

Well now, I don’t know about “stunned” but hey, Kane flat on his back is always good!

Oh my, more shoulderporn!

” “You did this to yourselves,” Sandow says.”

Waitasecond – the guy’s been with the company five goddamned minutes and he has his own t-shirt? And it doesn’t match those fruity purple trunks either!

” “Let’s talk real tag team names,” Rhodes mocks. “Damien Sandow. Cody Rhodes. Team Rhodes Scholars.” ”

Bwahahahahaha! Sure, give the guy a tag team name he can’t pronounce properly because of his lisp! has video here – enjoy!

Now, while Monday made it look like Team Rhodeth Thcholarth (-snickers-) would be going up against Team Hell No for the belts, SmackDown – which was Kane-free except for replays of the anger management scenes (barring the When Harry Met Sally one – guessing that was not family-friendly enough for SmackDown’s timeslot!) – saw Booker T set up a series to determine who’d get the shot at Hell In A Cell. Might well be Team Rhodeth Thcolarth, but we’ll see!

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