The Brothers of Destruction

WWE's Kane and The Undertaker – all Brothers, all the time!

10 June 2013: RAW digitals – Kane

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Kane def. U.S. Champion Dean Ambrose via Disqualification

After Daniel Bryan engaged in a bizarre battle alongside a new partner on SmackDown, it fell to his brawny buddy Kane to dish out some solo hurting on The Shield’s resident U.S. Champion, Dean Ambrose, on Raw. And while The Big Red Monster certainly left the Cincinnati scrapper worse for wear, it was all in the name of a Pyrrhic victory when The Shield themselves interfered in the match and awarded Kane the win by DQ.

Kane dominated the scrappy Ambrose for most of the contest, but an intrusion by Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns cut the bout short before The Big Red Monster could cement his victory wit the Chokeslam. Thanks to help from Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton, Kane was able to send The Shield into retreat, but the uneasiness between the three sometimes-allies was still palpable throughout the entire state of Virginia. And Vickie Guerrero’s proposed solutions to the problem may not make much of a difference.

Kane 10 June 2013 – Kane vs. Dean Ambrose: Photos

Looking fierce and determined!


Glee! Haven’t seen this move in a while! Missed the sexy growling though, as Kane insists the ref “Ask him!” 😉

NEVER getting tired of how flexible Kane is for a big man!

This was a wicked good match! Mostly because Kane spent most of it handing Ambrose’s ass to him!

Yeah, yeah Ambrose – cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it! You’re playing with the big boy now, you got to expect to take your lumps!

Fuzzy forearm hairs . . . -drools-

Getting perilously close to an illegal chokehold there, Ambrose – this ain’t the indy circuit, where anything goes, bud!

Aaaaaand, Ambrose makes my shitlist! Although the noises Kane was making while he was being stomped were oddly hot …

Plus, ill wind and all that – shoulderporn!

HolyMaryMotherOfGod … I don’t know quite what it is about this photo but DAYUM! Lean, and holy crap, shoulderporn and huge biceps!

Take that, Ambrose! That is a seriously wicked slam!

Squeee! Diving clothesline!

Also? Man, Ambrose is already skeevy enough to be a pervert, but seeing that white undershirt come untucked at the back every damn match is just … ewwwwww!

And then, the rest of the boys in black storm the ring because Ambrose is going down and they all know it.

Then Randy and DBryan charge in like the cavalry and the boys in black scatter like dogs. Again, as per usual. Man, Creative are getting so lazy with this shit!

Well, this is awkward! -snickering-

Okay, so has match video here.

But seriously, even better than the match was this priceless scene backstage! Oh dear gods, Kane getting all scratchy as he loses it with DBryan and Randy!

But then Vickie appears, and gives Randy and DBryan the tag team title shot and check Kane out in the background at 1:20!!!

Seriously, Kane in the background for about 30 seconds, one with his confusion! -giggling helplessly!-

Then Vickie’s back around 1:50, with the news that Kane’s getting a title shot of his own – US Championship against Dean Ambrose.

And ten seconds later, he’s telling Vickie he “always did like her” before swamping her in a huge sweaty hug!!

(GIF courtesy of @TheMattFowler’s Wrestling Wrap Up)

I tell, you, priceless!

Of course, he does segue into maniacal laughter at the end, so it’s anybody’s guess what’s going to happen!

But oh my god, look what else I found!

For the record, I am never going to get that stupid WWE App. Until the point where the shows degenerate into two or three hour commercials for PPVs and product placement bullshit and all the real wrestling happens on the App … which isn’t too bloody far off, if the current trend continues!

But seriously, why would I bother, when they put all the App stuff on anyway? It’s not like I don’t know this shit is all pre-written, yanno? I don’t have to see that shit live for it to be any good – hell, it’s getting so the only PPVs I watch live will be ‘Mania and the Rumble, and even then it’ll only be for ‘Taker and Kane.

However, I digress!

See what else has, an App exclusive! (Newsflash: if you’re posting it on your webpage, it can no longer be called an “App exclusive”, you dickheads!)

Kane reacts to Vickie’s decision – it’s basically 30 seconds of close up shoulderporn but . . . “I want to be US Champion.” Kane has never held the US Championship.

So, check this out. Kane is a Grand Slam Champion in WWE, one of only 12 guys who can lay claim to that title. He’s won every championship, excepting the European championship, which was defunct just after he started as Kane. In addition, he’s held the ECW Championship, which doesn’t count towards the Grand Slam – it’s an extra.

If he can win the US Championship, he’ll have made a clean sweep of every title belt bar one in the WWE.

Better fuckin’ believe I’ll be rooting for him come Sunday night!

Oh, and because too much Kane is never enough – he was at ringside as a lumberjack for Cena and Ryback’s confrontation.

Kane 10 June 2013 – WWE Champion John Cena and Ryback brawl before WWE Payback: Photos

As usual, the lumberjacks are made of fail!

Except Kane, he’s always awesome! 😉

Fuzzy forearm hairs! 😉 has video here – which may or may not include glimpses of Kane! Enjoy!

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